博碩士論文 109352022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMeng-Lin Jiangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract寶特瓶的塑膠材料為聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 (C10H8O4)n 是 熱塑性聚 酯 中最主要的品種,英文名為 Polyethylene terephthalate 簡稱 PET,俗稱滌 綸樹脂。 近年來 環保意識抬頭 由於 PET所產生之廢料無法降解,造成環 境汙染生態浩劫 。 寶特瓶回收再利用被過度美化,也造成國內寶特瓶使用 量長期居高不下,前年( 2021)更創下 11.5萬公噸、 52 億支的歷史新高, 相當於可塞滿 3 座半 101 大樓。 在國外已有將 PET用特殊脂肪酸溶解後以粉末狀改質劑投入瀝青混凝 土鋪面並鋪築成功之案例, 因此如何利用國外成 功的經驗作為基礎進而引 用至台灣鋪面研究開發實是目前當務之急。 本研究論文從高速公路選用常用之配合設計 DGAC、以及添加不同含 量 PET瀝青改質劑,瀝青採用 AC-20瀝青為基底之瀝青混凝土,以比對不 同含量之瀝青混凝土車轍成效評估。本研究將上述 PET添加至 DGAC內以 0.5%、 075%、 1%的添加量進行拌和,並測定試體是否符合所設定之空隙率 以再進行漢堡輪跡試驗為瀝青混凝土之成效試驗,藉此測試瀝青混凝土在 模擬現地車行的實際狀況。比較最終車轍深度與最終滾壓次數及沉陷量檢 討其抗車轍能力。 而另一項試驗用瀝青混合料塑性流 動阻力試驗 CNS 12395 A3293 (1988)試驗一般 DGAC與 3種不同添加含量之 PET進行馬歇爾配合設計法之最 適含油量,將四分法取出足夠重量之瀝青混合料,夯打馬歇爾試體完成後, 記錄高度是否達試體壓實後之最適高度為 63.5 1.3mm範圍內,且在達 夯壓溫度下限之時間,在進行馬歇爾之穩定值及流度值試驗。 (樣品從分樣 完成進夯打烘箱溫度至夯打完 成不可超過 2 小時 ) 以馬歇爾試體求得各 種 PET含量之瀝青混凝土之馬歇爾穩定值以比較最適含油量的瀝青混凝土 在不同 PET添加含量下破裂時力學行為變化,結果顯 示 DGAC 0%及 PET DGAC 0.5%、 075%和 1%四種級配之瀝青混凝土隨著加熱 PET添加量越多, 黏滯度增加其抗車轍能力越佳,進而說明路面抗車轍能力與 PET的添加量 有關,此外 漢堡輪跡試驗 中 DGAC 0%及 PET DGAC 0.5%、 075%和 1%雖 使用相同等級之膠泥 AC-20,但添加 PET改質劑之 DGAC抗車轍能力比 DGAC 0%更佳,這也說明除了與膠泥等級相同外, 漢堡輪跡試驗 亦明顯受 到 PET添加量之影響,最後將馬歇爾之穩定值之結果與 漢堡輪跡試驗 比較 結果顯示當 PET改質劑含量增加時其車轍深度累積將減 少,且馬歇爾之穩 定值試驗結果也隨著 PET改質劑含量增加使得黏滯度的上升而強度上升其 結果與 漢堡輪跡試驗 結果相同。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe plastic material of PET bottles is polyethylene terephthalate (C10H8O4)n, which is the most important variety of thermoplastic polyester. The English name is Polyethylene terephthalate, or PET for short, commonly known as polyester resin. In recent years, the awareness of environmental protection has risen. Since the waste produced by PET cannot be degraded, it has caused environmental pollution and ecological catastrophe. The recycling and reuse of plastic bottles has been overly beautified, which has also caused the use of domestic plastic bottles to remain high for a long time. The year before last (2021) hit a record high of 115,000 metric tons and 5.2 billion bottles, which is equivalent to filling three and a half 101 buildings . There have been successful cases of dissolving PET with special fatty acid and putting it into asphalt concrete pavement with powdery modifier in foreign countries. Therefore, how to use the successful experience abroad as a basis and then apply it to the research and development of pavement in Taiwan is an urgent task at present. . This research paper selects the commonly used combination design DGAC from the expressway, and adds different contents of PET asphalt modifier, and uses AC-20 asphalt as asphalt as the base asphalt concrete to compare the rutting effect evaluation of asphalt concrete with different contents. In this study, the above-mentioned PET was added to DGAC for mixing at 0.5%, 0.75%, and 1% additions, and whether the test body met the set porosity was determined, and then the wheel track test in Hamburg was used to test the effectiveness of asphalt concrete. This test asphalt concrete is simulating the actual conditions of the on-site vehicle. Compare the final rutting depth with the final rolling times and subsidence to evaluate its anti-rutting ability. Another test uses the asphalt mixture plastic flow resistance test CNS 12395 A3293 (1988) to test the optimum oil content of the general DGAC and 3 kinds of PET with different additions in the Marshall fit design method, and take out enough weight of asphalt to mix with the quartering method After ramming the Marshall test body, record whether the height reaches the optimum height after compaction of the test body is within the range of 63.5 ± 1.3mm, and at the time when the lower limit of the tamping temperature is reached, the Marshall stability value and fluidity value are carried out test. (Samples should not exceed 2 hours from the completion of sample division to the temperature of the ramming oven to the completion of ramming) Marshall stability values of asphalt concrete with various PET contents were obtained using Marshall test III specimens to compare the optimum oil content of asphalt concrete with different PET content The mechanical behavior changes when it breaks. The results show that DGAC 0% and PET DGAC 0.5%, 0.75% and 1% asphalt concrete with four gradations increase with the addition of PET, the viscosity increases, and the anti-rutting ability is better. It shows that the anti-rutting ability of the road surface is related to the amount of PET added. In addition, DGAC 0% and PET DGAC 0.5%, 0.75% and 1% in the Hamburg wheel track test use the same grade of cement AC-20, but DGAC with PET modifier The anti-rutting ability is better than DGAC 0%, which also shows that in addition to the same grade as the cement, the wheel track test in Hamburg is also significantly affected by the amount of PET added. Finally, the results of Marshall′s stability value are compared with the wheel track test results in Hamburg. When the content of PET modifier increases, the accumulation of rutting depth will decrease, and the results of Marshall′s stability value test also increase with the increase of PET modifier content, the viscosity increases and the strength increases. The result is the same as the Hamburg wheel track test result.en_US
DC.subject密級配 (DGAC)zh_TW
DC.subject漢堡 輪跡試驗zh_TW
DC.title添加 PET材料於密級配瀝青混凝土之 可行性評估zh_TW
DC.titleFeasibility evaluation of adding PET material to dense-graded asphalt concreteen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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