博碩士論文 109352028 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Heng Tsaien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract為順利執行消防三大任務-預防火災、搶救災害、緊急救護,全時保障國民人身財產安全,我國外勤消防人員上班及休假方式採二十四小時輪班制,各縣市依消防員數量分為勤一休一及勤二休一。桃園市消防局現行制度為勤一休一,且每個月給予一天特休,另根據法規公務人員依年資多寡每年可獲得一至三十天請休。由於外勤消防分隊有每日最低在隊服勤人數限制,故每日能填請休的人數有上限,而週末或連續假期較熱門,受到多數人喜愛,惟因人數限制僅能滿足少數消防人員,部份冷門日期則經常於填假倒數若干順位才被選擇,此總填假天數限制造成日期相互衝突之問題已困擾消防人員許久,但暫時無法完善的解決。 本研究以0-1整數規劃方法建構數學模式,並利用LINGO 17.0 軟體求得最佳解,搭配EXCEL試算表輸出結果,透過敏感度分析調整重要參數,將結果彙整後進行分析,以瞭解各參數之重要程度。本研究以某縣市消防局外勤消防分隊作為範例測試,資料皆取自該測試範例,藉由公平分配填請休日期,盡可能滿足消防人員填假需求,使執勤時累積的壓力能適度排解,避免工作壓力持續上升。本研究數學模式可套用至各縣市消防機關,透過帶入該單位之參數及限制式求解,可獲得該單位的最佳化排休結果,期許本研究可作為全國消防分隊最佳化排休之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn order to carry out the three major tasks of firefighting - fire prevention, disaster rescue, and emergency response – aimed at protecting the safety of people and their property on a full-time basis, our serving firefighters are on a 24-hour shift system, which is divided, depending upon the amount of available manpower in each county and city, into one off duty shift and two off duty shifts. The current system of the Taoyuan Fire Department is one day off for work and one special day off each month. Furthermore, according to the law, public employees can get one to thirty days off each year depending on their seniority. Since there is a daily minimum number of firefighters required to be on duty in a field fire department, there is an upper limit to the number of people who can apply for leave each day, with weekends and consecutive holidays being more popular and preferred by most. However, due to the limited number of available firefighters, some of the cold dates are often chosen in the last few days of the holiday. The problem of conflicting dates due to the total number of days of leave has been troubling firefighter scheduling for a long time. Up to now no ideal solution has been found. In this study, a mathematical model is constructed using the 0-1 integer planning method, to which an optimal solution is obtained by using LINGO 17.0 software, output to an EXCEL spreadsheet. A sensitivity analysis is carried out to adjust the important parameters, and the results are compiled and analyzed so as to understand the importance of each parameter. In this study, data from a county and city field fire department was used as a test sample. After fairly allocating rest dates, the demand for days off can be satisfied as much as possible, to relieve the pressure which can accumulate during active duty. The mathematical model developed in this study can be applied to each county and city fire department, inputting the specific parameters and constraints for a given unit. The results can be obtained by optimizing the unit′s scheduled rest days. It is expected that this method can be used as a reference for optimizing the scheduled rest days of fire departments nationwide.en_US
DC.subjectfire department branchen_US
DC.subjectday offen_US
DC.subjectinteger programmingen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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