博碩士論文 109426005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKai-Wei Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract網路購物,是一個新型的消費型態,以消費者的角度來說其優點為不受時間地點限制,可隨時的消費;對於業者來說可以省去開設店面的租金等而外支出,使商品價錢更具競爭力。由於上述原因,近年來消費型態漸漸從實體店面轉向電商平台。購物型態的改變,也考驗著整個物流系統的產能及效率,除此之外,為了滿足即吸引消費者,電商平台近年紛紛來祭出許多方法,像是24小時內及時送達或是6小時內送達北北基桃等策略來吸引顧客,也就因為如此,除了物流中心的產能及效率之外,快速反應消費者的需求也已是物流中心必備的條件。 類Locusbots系統,是一個使用動態路徑規劃的新型揀貨系統,可快速更新環境資訊並找出可行路徑,有效避開障礙物,讓系統揀貨行走路線較為順暢;也能夠因應網購淡季旺季最有效的模式(可以隨時擴展及減縮),除此之外,類Locusbots系統,一個人負責一個揀貨區域,可以減少工作環境中,揀貨人員之間的接觸;人員在倉庫中不需要到處走動,只要負責自己的區域即可;人員只需要熟悉該區域的產品,並不會接觸其他區域;可以減少傳統物流中心所需要的人力。 在「類Locusbots系統」中,需要考慮的揀貨流程可分為三部分,第一部分為將訂單分配給無人搬運車,使無人搬運車得以進入物流中心進行揀貨;第二部分為指派無人搬運車前往揀貨區域,進行訂單中品項揀貨;第三部分為無人搬運車抵達揀貨區域時,進入等候線要選擇哪一台無人搬運車進入揀貨區進行揀貨作業。 基於上述原因,本研究將針對「類Locusbots系統」中的揀貨策略進行研究,以「揀貨區域選取AGV」為主要研究議題,並搭配「訂單選取」,「派車法則」共同探討,找出最適合的揀貨策略搭配,並期望透過完整的模擬實驗與績效分析,增加對此類問題的了解,對未來的類似研究,也將有相對之貢獻。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOnline shopping is a new type of consumption. Its advantages are that it is not limited by time and place, and can be consumed at any time. Due to the above reasons, consumption patterns have gradually shifted from physical stores to e-commerce platforms in recent years. Changes in shopping patterns also test the production capacity and efficiency of the entire logistics system. In addition, in order to satisfy and attract consumers, e-commerce platforms have come up with many methods in recent years, such as timely delivery within 24 hours or 6 hours to attract customers. Because of this, In addition to the capacity and efficiency of the logistics center, rapid response to consumer demand is also a must for the logistics center. The Locusbots system is a new type of picking system using dynamic path planning, which can quickly update environmental information and find feasible paths, effectively avoid obstacles, and make the system routes smoother; It can also be expanded and contracted at any time. In addition, one person is responsible for one picking area, which can reduce the contact between picking personnel in the working environment; personnel do not need to move around in the warehouse, only responsible for their own area is enough; the personnel only need to be familiar with their own picking area; it can reduce the manpower required by the traditional logistics center. In the "Locusbots system", the picking process can be considered in three parts. The first part is to assign orders to AGV, so that the AGV can enter the logistics center for picking; the second part is to dispatching AGV. The AGV goes to the picking area to pick the items ; the third part is about when AGV arrives, which AGV should be selected into the picking area . This research mainly discusses the "Locusbots system", with "Selecting AGV in the picking area", "order selection" and "dispatching rules". It is hoped that through complete simulation experiments and performance analysis, the understanding of such problems will be increased, and similar research will be made in the future.en_US
DC.subject揀貨區域 AGV 選取zh_TW
DC.subjectLocusbots 系統zh_TW
DC.subjectDistribution Centreen_US
DC.subjectOrder selectionen_US
DC.subjectPicking Area Selecting AGVen_US
DC.subjectLocusbots systemen_US
DC.title類 Locusbots 系統之 揀貨區域 AGV 選取問題研究zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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