博碩士論文 109426027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsin-Yi Tsaien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,網路購物的迅速發展,消費管道由實體店面轉移至電商平台,更因COVID-19(新冠肺炎)疫情席捲全球,零售業網路銷售額屢創新高,而網購商家所主打的24小時快速到貨及與日俱增的配送量,皆考驗著物流中心的產能與效率。因此,如何在快速滿足客戶需求的同時降低成本,儼然成為物流中心的一大挑戰。 物流中心的作業流程可歸類為下列九項:進貨、搬運、儲存、盤點、訂單、揀貨、補貨、出貨、輸配送,其中揀貨作業是最具客戶敏感度的一環,同時也是作業量與人力耗費最大的一項工作。目前大多數的物流中心是屬於「勞力密集」的產業,揀貨作業占物流中心運營總成本的50至75%,為物流中心「成本最高的作業流程」,且揀貨作業時間佔整個物流作業時間約30至40%。是故,優化揀貨流程成為物流中心的首要目標。 以往,物流中心的揀貨方式普遍為「個別揀取」,即一位揀貨員一次揀取一張訂單,此法的優點是簡單明瞭,缺點則是效率較低。對此,常見的解決方式為「批次揀取」,意即將相似訂單合併處理,一個揀貨員同時對多張相似訂單進行揀貨,以減少揀貨作業時間與所需行走距離,由此可見,訂單批次化的優劣對揀貨效率將產生關鍵影響,若能找到適合的訂單批次化方法勢必能顯著提升揀貨效率。 然而,過往的訂單批次化相關文獻,鮮少探討物流業常見的「分區式揀貨系統」。此揀貨系統的揀貨行走路線流暢,但隨之而來的是動線相較複雜,因此搭配優良的揀貨策略顯得格外重要。基於上述原因,本研究將針對分區式揀貨系統中的批次化問題進行研究,並期望透過完整的模擬實驗與嚴謹的績效分析,能對此類問題有更深入的探討,亦對未來類似的研究能有所貢獻。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNowadays, online shopping has rapidly developed, and the "Stay-at-Home Economy" has accelerated the alteration of consumer behavior from the retailer to e-commerce platforms. Due to this situation, the change of shopping mode has increased the difficulty of logistics. The 24-hour fast delivery and the increasing volume of online shopping test the logistic efficiency. Response instantly to consumer needs is a necessary ability to distribution centers. Among all operation of the distribution center, order picking is the most workload and manpower operation. At present, most distribution centers are "labor-intensive" industry. Order picking account for about 50-75% of the total operating costs, and the order picking takes about 30-40% of the total operating time. Therefore, how to optimize the order picking process is the primary goal of the distribution center. In the past, the general order picking method was "individual picking", that is, one picker conducts one order at a time. The advantage of this method is simple to complete for those manipulators, but the disadvantage is that it is less efficient. In this regard, the common solution is "batch picking", which means that similar orders are merged to same order batch and be operated by pickers together, so a picker can select multiple and similar orders at the same time, reducing the picking time. The pros and cons of order batching impacts significantly. However, in past essay about order batching, the research environment was relatively single and seldom discussed "zone picking system". This kind of picking system has a prime merit, smooth picking routes, but the disadvantage is that the picking traffic flow is much more complicated. It is important to match an excellent picking strategy. Based on the reasons above, this research will study the picking strategy in zone picking system, and will mainly discourse the order batching problem. In addition, in order to improve the efficiency, this research will also state the order batch selection problem and dynamic order picking routing problem, and finally find the most suitable picking strategy. Expecting that through this complete simulation experiments and statistical analysis can increase the understanding of order picking issues for the future of distribution center.en_US
DC.subjectDistribution Centeren_US
DC.subjectZone Picking Systemen_US
DC.subjectOrder Batchingen_US
DC.subjectOrder Batch Selectionen_US
DC.subjectDynamic Order Picking Routeen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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