博碩士論文 109427027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMin-Lin Youen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在疫情蔓延全球、大缺工的時代,員工是企業重要的資本,企業除了找到對的人外,更需要專注在如何能讓員工留下來。本研究跳脫專注「人們為何離職」(why people leave)的傳統,以工作鑲嵌的角度探討員工為什麼會願意留在公司。而在瞬息多變的競爭市場中,員工的競爭力就是公司的競爭力,本研究亦探討當在高工作鑲嵌下,員工會傾向發展的個人人力資本行為及個人社會資本發展行為,進而再影響到員工內部就業力。故本研究以工作鑲嵌作為自變數、中介變數為個人人力資本發展行為及個人社會資本發展行為以及依變項為員工內部就業力。 本研究分成兩個階段發放問卷,並兩階段中間隔兩星期以避免共同變異之問題,全程採用便利抽樣,並以線上問卷進行發放問卷,經整理後共回收336份問卷。經分析資料後,本研究發現:(1)工作鑲嵌對個人人力資本發展行為有正向影響;(2)工作鑲嵌對個人社會資本發展行為有正向關係;(3)個人人力資本發展行為對員工內部就業力有正向關係;(4)個人社會資本發展行為對員工內部就業力有正向關係;(5)個人人力資本發展行為對工作鑲嵌及員工內部就業力無中介效果;(6)個人社會資本發展行為對工作鑲嵌及員工內部就業力存在中介效果。期待能提供企業及工作者貢獻管理意涵,企業能提高工作鑲嵌,留住人才外更能增強員工的資本累積,進而強化公司人才競爭優勢。而工作者能了解累積個人社會及人力資本的重要,讓自己對內及對外之價值能有所增長,提升就業力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the era of global spread of the epidemic and massive labor shortages, employees are the important capital of enterprises. In addition to finding the right people, enterprises need to focus on how to keep employees. This study also explores the personal human capital behaviors and personal social capital development behaviors that employees tend to develop under high job embeddedness, which in turn affect the to the employability of employees. Therefore, this study takes job embeddedness as the independent variable, the mediating variable as the personal human capital development behavior and the personal social capital development behavior, and the dependent variable as the employee employability. Questionnaires were distributed in two stages in my study, and the two stages were separated two weeks apart to avoid the problem of CMV. Convenience sampling was used throughout the whole process, and the questionnaires were distributed through online questionnaires. At the end, a total of 336 questionnaires were collected. After analyzing the data, this study found that: (1) work embeddedness has a positive impact on personal human capital development behavior; (2) work embeddedness has a positive relationship with personal social capital development behavior; (3) personal human capital development behavior has a positive relationship with internal employee employability; (4) personal social capital development behavior has a positive relationship with internal employee employability; (5) there is no mediating effect of personal human capital development behavior on job embeddedness and internal employee employability; (6) there is mediating effect of personal social capital development behavior on job embeddedness and internal employee employability. It is expected that it can provide enterprises and workers with the management advice. Enterprises can improve work embeddedness to retain talents and enhance employees′ capital accumulation, in order to strengthen the company′s human capital. And workers can understand the importance of accumulating personal social capital and human capital, so that their internal and external value can be increased, and their employability can be enhanced as well.en_US
DC.subjectpersonal human capital development behavioren_US
DC.subjectpersonal social capital development behavioren_US
DC.subjectjob embeddednessen_US
DC.titleExploring the relationship among job embeddedness, employability and individual’s human capital development behavior and social capital development behavioren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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