博碩士論文 109450035 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Jen Hungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract全球低利率氛圍與財政刺激政策下促使多國房價狂漲,多國意識到政府政策干預的重要,12年前金融海嘯實施打房結果是箝制住部份區域的房價,最後整體房價仍是上揚的,2019年中美貿易戰與2020年初新冠肺炎(Coivd-19)疫情相互影響全球經濟,重整產業鏈後,台商的熱錢再次回流,想實現居住正義的政府再次祭出政策干預,控制房價上漲,其過往政策干預是本研究探討主軸之一。政府的各項政策干預成為重要的社會議題,目前政策干預是本研究探討主軸之二。政策干預會對市場有影響,在這樣的政策下個案公司如何因應?是本研究探討主軸之三。 因此本研究採個案A公司研究方式,是以桃園地區藝文特區經營不動產經紀公司為個案研究對象,藉由視角以SWOT、TOWS分析等相關文獻資料進行各項分析探討,探討在政府政策干預下,對桃園地區房地產個案A公司所造成之衝擊,透過觀察,了解個案公司內部強項、內部弱勢與外部機會、外部威脅,探討其要素。分析其未來發展的方向,並將其研究結果提供給個案公司未來做為決策佈局參考之用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe global low interest rate atmosphere and fiscal stimulus policies have prompted the soaring of house prices in many countries, many countries are aware of the importance of government policy intervention, 12 years ago the financial tsunami implemented the result of the house control in some areas of housing prices, and finally the overall house prices are still rising, the 2019 Sino-US trade war and the early 2020 new crown pneumonia (Coivd-19) epidemic affect each other in the global economy, after reorganizing the industrial chain, Taiwanese businessmen′s hot money flows back again, and the government that wants to achieve residential justice once again sacrifices policy intervention to control house price increases, Its past policy intervention is one of the main axes of this study. Various government policy interventions have become important social issues, and policy intervention is currently the second main axis of this study. Policy intervention will have an impact on the market, how can individual companies respond under such policies? This is the third main axis of this study. Therefore, this study adopts the research method of case A company, taking the real estate brokerage company operating in the Taoyuan District Art and Cultural Special Zone as the case study object, and conducts various analysis and discussion from the perspective of SWOT, TOWS analysis and other relevant literature, discusses the impact on real estate case A company in Taoyuan area under the intervention of government policies, and explores the internal strengths, internal weaknesses, external opportunities and external threats of the case company through observation, and discusses its elements. Analyze the direction of its future development and provide the results of its research to the case company for future decision-making and layout reference. Keywords: policy intervention, Taoyuan area, art and cultural special zoneen_US
DC.subjectHousing policyen_US
DC.subjectTaoyuan areaen_US
DC.subjectreal estate tax systemen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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