博碩士論文 109450038 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Chai Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣廢水處理產業隨著國內需求量的增加,如大廠的建廠需求,台商回流,廢水處理產業服務市場的經濟規模變得龐大。在政府政策的驅使下,客戶需要建置更高設施的廢水處理系統以因應逐步加嚴的環保法規。 就市場結構方面,廢水處理產業在上中游產業的供應鏈廠商家數,在硬體設備的價格上,利潤已偏低,唯在下游系統整合的工程面上,牽涉較高的技術層面,且技術的選擇與應用影響整體工程的造價,在不斷的進行技術投資、研發及人才培訓是廢水產業繼續往前邁進的必要途徑。 廠商行為方面,因廢水處理產業發展已久,常用的廢水處理技術在工程利潤造價上已進入紅海策略,不轉型只會在利潤上更趨薄弱,所以產業在技術上需要突破,開發高技術的處理設備,或研發特殊的化學品供應,作為工廠可長期使用的藥品,其利潤的收益就可維持長久。 產業績效方面,就市場成長率而言,因環境汙染的嚴重,政府對於廢水處理的取締及法規管制,逐漸嚴格執行及落實,因此廢水處理的商機開始有了成長;就EPS分析而論,依各家的財報數據得知,上市公司對於廢水處理產業,皆願意提供資金進行轉投資,現階段雖無法顯示其獲利性,對於未來發展性是可預期的。 本研究對產業提出建議,在未來環保法規勢必更加嚴格,以產學合作開發新技術,讓學術界的研究能實際運用在實廠規模中,到工廠端進行實際廢水處理,可進行系統的優化與改良,不僅符合客戶端實際的廢水處理需求,也可當作是未來研究主題。能從中建立新的專利,更可成為長期獲利的管道。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the increase of domestic demand for Taiwan′s wastewater treatment industry, such as the demand for large factories to build factories and the return of Taiwanese businessmen, the economic scale of the wastewater treatment industry service market has become huge. Driven by government policies, customers need to build higher-level wastewater treatment systems to cope with progressively stricter environmental regulations. In terms of market structure, the number of suppliers in the supply chain of the wastewater treatment industry in the upstream and midstream industries has been low in terms of the price of hardware equipment. Only in the engineering aspect of downstream system integration, it involves a higher technical level, and The selection and application of technology affects the cost of the overall project. Continuous investment in technology, research and development and personnel training is a necessary way for the wastewater industry to move forward. In terms of manufacturer behavior, due to the long-term development of the wastewater treatment industry, the commonly used water treatment technology has entered the Red Sea strategy in terms of project profit and cost. Without transformation, the profit will only become weaker. Therefore, the industry needs to make breakthroughs in technology and develop high-tech products. Processing equipment, or the development of special chemical supplies, as long-term use of pharmaceuticals in factories, the profits can be sustained for a long time. In terms of industrial performance, in terms of market growth rate, due to serious environmental pollution, the government has gradually implemented and implemented stricter regulations and regulations on wastewater treatment, so business opportunities in wastewater treatment have begun to grow; in terms of EPS analysis, according to According to the financial report data of various companies, listed companies are willing to provide funds for re-investment in the wastewater treatment industry. Although they cannot show their profitability at this stage, their future development can be expected. This study puts forward suggestions for the industry. In the future, environmental protection regulations are bound to be more stringent, and new technologies are developed through industry-university cooperation, so that academic research can be practically applied to the scale of the actual factory, and the actual wastewater treatment can be carried out at the factory side, which can optimize the system. and improvement, not only in line with the actual needs of the client for wastewater treatment, but also as a future research topic. From which new patents can be established, it can become a channel for long-term profits.en_US
DC.subjectwastewater treatmenten_US
DC.subjectwater circular economyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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