博碩士論文 109450071 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Ting Fanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在大陸政策鼓勵、兩岸經濟發展需求與全球化市場作用下,近三十年來兩岸貿易大幅增長,台商在大陸積極投資擴張,從而形成兩岸經貿發展日益緊密、金融需求愈形迫切的格局。銀行業赴大陸設立營業據點,不僅可提供台商在大陸發展的資金支持及金融服務,也可藉由耕耘大陸當地業務,充分掌握台商及當地客戶營運情形,有效控管銀行風險。 除此之外,為響應政府積極推動銀行業朝向區域化、國際化發展,以提升國際競爭力的政策方針;為服務客戶、並提供廣大台商更完整的金融支持,加上兩岸金融監管合作備忘錄(MOU)已完成簽署,在大陸開展業務更有保障,中國大陸遂成為銀行業爭取進入布局區域之一。 以下,本研究以個案銀行(下稱T銀行)為主要研究對象,將就台資銀行在陸發展面臨的宏微觀環境進行分析評估,以期進一步探討台灣銀行業赴中國大陸發展可能面臨的風險與可行性。 本研究共分五章,第一章緒論說明研究背景暨目的;第二章彙整了相關文獻,旨在探討企業的進入策略與市場評估;第三章首先分析兩岸政策背景、大陸政經環境;再就台灣銀行業在當地已設立分支機構之情形及其經營概況分析,進一步了解當地金融市場;第四章即以T銀行進行個案評估;第五章為梳理前述各章節分析結論,獲致相關建議如下: 一、 本研究認為台灣銀行業赴中國大陸發展雖屬可行,仍提醒中國大陸尚面對金融債務風險升高、中美關係及其他貿易夥伴衝突等投資環境風險以及市場競爭、人才培育等經營風險。 二、 本研究應用A.G.Lafley & Roger L. Martin(2013)致勝策略規劃,經總結的規律適用於眾多各類型規模的企業,包含銀行業、新創企業、非營利組織和政府機關等。 三、 “因地制宜,因勢利導”,台灣銀行業赴中國大陸發展應對自身競爭優劣勢進行分析,以打造獨特品牌。應用本文的決策程序,以訂定目標,明確優勢定位,並發展未來重要功能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOver the past three decades, with the encouragement of mainland policies, the needs of cross-strait economic development and the role of globalized markets, the substantial growth of cross-strait trade has been realized, and Bankers in Taiwan have been attracted to actively invest and expand in the mainland, thus forming a pattern of increasingly close cross-strait economic and trade development and increasingly urgent financial needs. The penetration of the bankers in Taiwan through the establishment of business bases in the mainland can not only provide financial support and financial services for the development of Taiwan businessmen in the mainland, but also enable them to fully grasp the operation of Taiwan businessmen and local customers and cultivate local businesses in the mainland, thus realizing the effective control of bank risks. In addition, in response to the government′s policy of actively promoting the regionalization and internationalization of the bankers in Taiwan to enhance international competitiveness; In order to serve customers and provide more complete financial support to Taiwan businessmen, it will be more secure to carry out business in the mainland when the memorandum of cooperation on cross-strait financial supervision (MOU) has been signed. Therefore, Chinese mainland has become one of the areas where the bankers in Taiwan are struggling to compete. In this research , case bank is used as the main research object (hereinafter referred to as Bank T), and the analysis and evaluation of the macro and micro environment of Taiwanese banks in land development is carried out, hoping to further explore the possible risks and feasibility of bankers in Taiwan for the penetration of the markets in China. The research is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which explains the motivation and purpose of the research; The second chapter summarizes the relevant literature, which aims to explore the strategy formulation and market evaluation of enterprises; The third chapter first analyzes the cross-strait policy background and the political and economic environment of the mainland; In addition, the analysis of the situation and summary of operations of the local branches of bankers in Taiwan is carried out to further understand the local financial market; The fourth chapter takes Bank T as the case study to carry out case evaluation; The fifth chapter combs the previous chapters and carries out the analysis conclusions, and finally obtains the relevant suggestions as follows: I. According to the research, although it is feasible for Bankers in Taiwan to develop in mainland China, relevant operational risks still need to be considered, including the problems of rising financial debt risk in mainland China, Sino-US relations and other trade partner conflicts and other investment environment risks as well as market competition and talent cultivation. II. This research applies the winning strategy planning of A.G.Lafley & Roger L. Martin(2013), which is applicable to many types of enterprises of all sizes, including banking, start-ups, non-profit organizations and government agencies. III. Bankers in Taiwan should "adjust measures to local conditions and make good use of the situation". With regard to bankers in Taiwan for the penetration of the markets in China, we should analyze our own competitive advantages and disadvantages to create a unique brand, and apply the decision-making process in this paper to set goals, clarify the positioning of advantages, and develop important functions in the future.en_US
DC.subjectMarkets in Chinaen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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