博碩士論文 109450078 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMin-Chun Chien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractCovid 19疫情後的時代,全球經濟隨著國與國之間的空運漸漸開放,傳統的安防集成需求(門禁、監控、報警等)重新興起,隨著商業地產與緊急防疫返工解決方案的全面部署,初期美系安防廠商,潛在的最佳的策略便是與集成安防商及OEM合作夥伴一起保持對終端用戶的密切聯繫,準確地滿足集成工程商供應與服務的需求。美國國防授權法案(NDAA)與FCC 中國廠家禁令名單的變化對安防品牌商技術供應產生了影響,法案限制了從中國各製造商及其原始設備製造商(OEM)合作夥伴的採購。《購買美國貨法案》和《貿易協定法案》的要求也發生了變化,安防行業的技術製造要求將繼續影響整個供應鏈採購關係和產品。後段的安防集成商與工程商,也相繼受到產品迭代替換,產品生命週期縮短,從新學習了真正的用戶訴求。遂引發本研究之動機。本研究嘗試從智能安防系統軟體平臺所延伸的相關集成安防迭代產品創新,風險管理,與客戶服務品質三方面,探討由客戶用戶體驗出發JOBS TO BE DONE“目標用戶”+想要在什麼工作情境(job context)+完成什麼工作(jobs),最終成為智能樓宇業主在選擇採購相關產品時候的關鍵因素。本研究以H公司的建構的智慧安防平臺軟硬體設備為例,採用JTBD理論,實踐ODI模式計算分析,使H公司在這市場變化多端的年代,從用戶角度出發,探索用戶深層的需求,找出可能的機會點以及追逐到所沒有發現的市場利基以利於制定未來市場的產品定位方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractApply the JOBS-TO-BE DONE theory to the design of Internet of things security products. From the perspective of security companies, innovation and innovation, all in terms of products and services are becoming a necessity to adapt to the volatile external situation. The core of customer development is the possibility of new products and services. For security companies, customers can be low-voltage professionals, project buyers, property managers and owners. However, how to describe and discover customers′ needs, or involve customers in product and service innovation is a challenge faced by many companies. Taking H securities company as an example, the goal of defining and discovering customer measurement needs is studied through the framework inspired by JOBS-TO-BE-DON theory and result driven innovation (ODI) method. Using JOBS-TO-BE-DONE theory and result driven strategy, the framework of collecting customer needs is defined. ODI′s goal is to identify innovation areas from the perspective of customers′ work to be done in the initial stage of the innovation process. In the case study of H security company, this thesis introduces the process of identifying customer needs under the background of determining the plan of the new office building. First, interview three customers and identify them within the framework of the steps to be completed and the expected results. Through interviews, more than 10 interviews were identified, including the needs of system integrators, installers and distributors. In the next stage, customers will evaluate their needs in the survey according to their importance and satisfaction, so as to determine the most potential areas of marketing opportunities. These innovation areas and customer needs provide the starting point for the case company to develop product strategies, services, products and new value propositions. Predict which new products will win the market and reduce the risk of failure. On this thesis , a continuous and repeated customer demand identification framework is proposed. This case study deepens the understanding of defining, describing and documenting customer needs in a secure environment. At the same time, the case study also puts forward some suggestions on the customer-metric innovation management of the securities industry from the perspective of methodology. Apply the JOBS-TO-BE-DONE theory to the design of Internet of things security products.en_US
DC.subjectJOBS-TO-BE DONE theoryen_US
DC.subjectsecurity productsen_US
DC.subjectInternet of thingsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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