博碩士論文 109451014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsin-Cheng Chiuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要   本研究主要探討台灣職棒產業在地化營運模式之研究,並且說明樂天桃猿職棒隊之發展歷程及營運困難點,樂天桃猿職棒隊商業營運模式之策略重點及如何應用商業經營模式於職棒產業在地化經營模式。本研究採取質化研究,本研究針對研究者工作之樂天桃猿隊作為研究個案,本研究經由在地化與職棒產業及商業營運模式之文獻回顧及深度訪談來分析,以作為經營者之營運參考。根據個案在職棒產業環境中的深入訪談與樂天桃猿職棒隊在地化營運商業模式分析,獲得重要研究結論為應用策略聯盟、顧客關係管理、相關多角化、垂直整合策略等來建構樂天桃猿職棒隊複合式經營模式並分析在地化營運模式,以創造有效的營運模式及永續經營之競爭優勢。   本研究也建議樂天桃猿職棒隊採取複合式營運模式,營造一個歡樂、青春、有活力的職棒場所,進而吸引更多球迷及廠商之進駐,提供桃園市民一個休閒活動場所。亦建議政府擬定完整地棒球發展政策來提供各縣市基層棒球人才之培育及球團應該利用數位科技技術來強化運動行銷效能,增強球團之營收。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research mainly discusses on the localized operation model of the professional baseball industry in Taiwan, and elaborates on the development history. The research also discusses the operational difficulties of the Rakuten Monkeys Professional Baseball Team, what the strategic focus of the Rakuten Monkeys Professional Baseball Team′s business operation model is, and how to apply the business operation model in the localized business model of the professional baseball industry. There is a qualitative analysis in this research. This research takes the Rakuten Monkeys Professional Baseball as a case study of the researcher′s work. This research analyzes the localization and professional baseball industry and business operation model through literature review and in-depth interviews from the executive as the reference. According to the in-depth interviews of the case in the professional baseball industry environment, and the analysis of the localized operation business model of the Rakuten Monkeys Professional Baseball Team, the important research conclusions are that the application of strategic alliances, customer relationship management, related diversification, vertical integration strategies, etc. Therefore it can construct the Rakuten Monkeys Professional Baseball Team′s compound business model, and analysis of the localized business model, which to create an effective business mode. Also be sustainable business by its competitive advantage. This research also suggests that the Rakuten Monkeys Professional Baseball Team to use a compound operation model to create a cheerful, youthful, and energetic professional baseball venue. Thereby, attracting more fans and manufacturers to settle in and providing Taoyuan citizens with a leisure activity venue. It is also suggested that the government help to develop a complete baseball policy to provide the cultivation of grassroots baseball talents in various counties. It not only helps cities, but also makes the team use digital technology to strengthen the efficiency of sports marketing, moreover to increase the revenue of the team.en_US
DC.subjectprofessional baseball industryen_US
DC.subjectbusiness modelen_US
DC.subjectRakuten Monkeysen_US
DC.title職棒產業在地化營運模式之研究 -以樂天桃猿為例zh_TW
DC.titleA Study On the Business Model For the Localization of Professional Baseball Industry : A Case of Rakuten Monkeysen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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