博碩士論文 109451018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChih Chung Kuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 公司營運的方針著重在商業模式,企業如何創造價值的核心,故策略則是企業在商場上競爭時應有的行為,而兩者的目標都是以達成企業獲利維持營運。韓國原廠公司在半導體產業的各個法人國家,多數都是以B2B的Project為主,僅少數幾個國家是以B2C銷售零售通路,台灣是其中之一。 韓國原廠公司是2018年將外接式移動固態硬碟在台灣零售通路販售,在台灣銷售至今已有四年的時間,在現有其它強勢競爭品牌及線上通路發展蓬勃的情況下,原廠經理人必須設定具競爭優勢的策略。本文提出以AHP層級分析「外接式儲存裝置之實體通路銷售策略管理策略」的通路六大構面權面分析,目的是希望原廠經理人在設定策略時,可以運用AHP層級分析出來後的結果,發展出具競爭優勢的策略。 本研究透過前述AHP層級分析結果,提供相關半導體產業未來可採行的競爭策略與建議,本研究主要分析六大購面,產品陳列因素 、消費者體驗因素、銷售激勵因素、目標管理因素、通路策略因素、產品價格因素等,研究出連鎖實體通路更合適的通路管理策略,籍由以上的分析結果,實際運用在通路上,提供給合作通路最大的競爭優勢,進而提升連鎖實體通路的銷售量。 關鍵詞:通路策略、AHP層級分析法、外接式移動固態硬碟zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract The company′s operating policy focuses on the core of the business model and how the enterprise creates value. Therefore, the strategy is the behavior that the enterprise should do when competing in the mall, and the goal of both is to achieve the profitability of the enterprise to maintain the operation. Most of the Korean original companies in the semiconductor industry are mainly B2B Projects, and only a few countries are B2C sales retail channels. Taiwan is one of them. The Korean original company sold the External Portable SSD in the Retail Channel in Taiwan in 2018, and has been selling in Taiwan for four years. The vigorous development of other strong competitive brands and online channels. The original factory manager must set a strategy with competitive advantage. In this research, the purpose of using the AHP hierarchy analysis of "physical channel sales strategy management strategy of external storage device" is proposed. As well as the purpose is to hope that the original factory manager can use the results of the AHP level analysis to develop a strategy to produce competitive advantages when setting the strategy. This main idea of this research analyzes the six major purchase areas, product display factors, consumer experience factors, sales incentive factors, target management factors, channel strategy factors, product price factors, etc., and studies a more appropriate channel management strategy for chain entity channels, based on the above analysis results, practically applied to the channel, providing the largest competitive advantage of the cooperative channel, and then increasing the sales volume of the chain entity channel. Key words:Pathway strategy, AHP Hierarchical analysis, External Portable SSDen_US
DC.subjectwords:Pathway strategyen_US
DC.subjectAHP Hierarchical analysisen_US
DC.subjectExternal Portable SSDen_US
DC.title外接式儲存裝置之實體通路銷售策略管理探討 -以韓系品牌為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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