博碩士論文 109451025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChin-Feng Tsaien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來全球槍擊案頻傳,槍支暴力事件多集中發生於美洲國家,尤其美國與巴西的發生率為全球之冠,常有大規模槍擊案發生造成大量人員傷亡,以及付出的社會成本甚高。美國因特殊的建國文化,平民擁槍已是常態,平均每個人有1.2把槍,是全世界中擁槍比例最高的國家,在人民與槍枝共同生活的狀態下,平民受槍擊的比例居高不下,遠超過世界各國平均值,對人身防護的抗彈產品需求亦高於其他國家,尤其在大規模槍擊案發生後,抗彈產品需求更是會突然提升數倍之多。 個案和成欣業股份有限公司創立於1931年,工廠設立於桃園市八德區,屬於國內知名的衛浴產品製造商,更跨足建築、爐具、住宅設備、複合材料及精密陶瓷等寬闊領域,因複合材料及精密陶瓷技術進步,近年發展出車用抗彈裝甲、艦用抗彈裝甲以及人身防護等產品,目前已於國內銷售,品質獲得肯定。 個案公司正在評估未來將抗彈產品進入北美市場銷售,本研究主要透過國際行銷的角度以及商業模式圖的九大要素切入,評估完整之商業模式探討,從中找出可行的營銷戰略並制定策略,以加速推動本國抗彈產品導入至北美市場銷售,使其不但能滿足北美市場消費者的需求,並期許未來能夠使北美市場消費者較容易購得品質更高、價格更低的優質抗彈產品,以減少槍擊案發生時所造成的人員傷亡,並降低社會所發生的仇恨及成本。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGun violence happens frequently in recent years and most of the incidents occur in Americas, especially in United States and Brazil, where the incidence rate is the highest in the world. Mass shooting leads to a large number of casualties and aggravates social burdens. Since American culture advocates liberty, it’s normal to civilians to own guns in United States. The proportion of gun owners in United States is the highest in the world. On average, each person owns 1.2 guns. Living in a gun-free society, the chance that people in United States get shot is higher than other countries around the world. Therefore, personal protection ballistic product is in high demand. Particularly after a mass shooting, the demand for ballistic products grows several times. This research takes Hocheng Corporation as a case study. Hocheng Corporation which is also called HCG was founded in 1931, and the factory is located in Bade Dist., Taoyuan. HCG is a well-known sanitary ware company in Taiwan and it also expended its business to different scope such as architecture, kitchen and residential equipment, advanced ceramic and composite material application. Due to the technology improvement of advanced ceramic and composite material, HCG applies its core competency to platform armor for vehicles and ships and personal ballistic panel. HCG is evaluating the North American sales market of ballistic products. This study is to figure out feasible marketing strategies from the complete model discussion through the perspective of international marketing and the nine elements of business model diagram. With feasible strategies, it will not only help domestic ballistic products enter the market smoothly but also meets the consumer’s demand in North America. Hoping that consumers in the North American market will be able to purchase ballistic products with high quality but lower price to reduce the casualties caused by shootings and reduce the hatred and social burden.en_US
DC.subjectballistic producten_US
DC.subjectinternational marketingen_US
DC.subjectbusiness modelen_US
DC.titleExploring business models for bullet-resistant products to enter the North American marketen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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