博碩士論文 109451031 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJia-Hui Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 國際經貿變動影響著全球供應鏈,近年國際間的貿易戰及新冠疫情等因素,發生塞港、停工、封城等事件,供需不平衡下造成供應鏈斷鏈,電子業面臨嚴厲缺料問題。然而,所有產品都仰賴完善供應鏈支持,且全球數以萬計的工作都與供應鏈高度相關,供應鏈管理最佳化已然成為企業的關鍵競爭力(Yongbo Li et al., 2020),本研究因貿易戰及新冠疫情造成企業面臨缺料的時空背景下,針對本國規模極大的電腦及周邊設備產業,透過半結構式訪談該產業的採購從業人員,蒐集其實務寶貴意見,了解採購評選供應商實務上考量的面向及關鍵因素重要順序,並從中歸納執行供應商評選時的實務建議。本研究結果發現以往在不缺料情境下,企業最在乎的是價格或品質因素,但若供需失衡下有缺料狀況,交期則躍升至關鍵因素的第一名,企業願意付出高額代價來取得物料準時交付,以避免產生額外賠償費用或訂單取消,而影響長期維持的良好買賣關係,不正視交期的重要性,很可能會對企業帶來長短期嚴重的不良影響。研究也發現價格因素因影響公司整體利潤、品質問題的處理也為企業增添不少人物力成本,兩因素仍然受到高度重視,而後企業在維持產品競爭優勢及著重長遠策略合作下,漸漸把技術因素、服務因素列入電腦周邊設備產業的供應商評選重要標的。本研究的研究結果及建議,供產業發展及業界採購供應商評選實務之參考。 關鍵字:供應商評選、缺料、供應鏈管理、電腦及周邊設備產業、關鍵因素、疫情zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract As international economic changes affect the global supply chain, the recent international trade wars and COVID-19, events such as port congestion, work stoppages, and city closures have caused supply chain disruptions due to imbalances in supply and demand, and the electronics industry is facing severe material shortages. However, all products rely on the support of a complete supply chain, and tens of thousands of jobs around the world are highly related to the supply chain. The optimization of supply chain management has become the key competitiveness of enterprises (Yongbo Li et al., 2020). In the context of the shortage of materials caused by the trade war and COVID-19, this research aims at the large-scale computer and peripheral equipment industry in China, through semi-structured interviews with procurement practitioners in this industry, to collect valuable practical opinions. Understand procurement considerations when selecting suppliers and the important sequence of supplier selection factors, and summarize practical suggestions when implementing supplier selection. The research results provide practical reference for industry development and industry procurement. The results of this study found that under the condition of no shortage of materials, the most important factor for enterprises is price or quality, but if there is a shortage of materials under the imbalance of supply and demand, the delivery factor jumps to the first critical success factor, and the enterprise is willing to pay a experdite fee to get instant delivery of materials, to avoid additional compensation costs or order cancellations, which will affect the long-term maintenance of good business relationships. The results of this research also show that the price and quality factor also still highly valued, and then the company maintains product competitiveness and focuses on long-term strategic cooperation. Gradually, technical factors and service factors are included in the selection of suppliers in the computer peripheral equipment industry. The research results and recommendations of this study are for the reference of industry development and industry procurement in the implementation of supplier selection practices. Keywords : Supplier selection ; shortage ; Supply chain management ; electricity industry ; Critical success factors ; Covid-19en_US
DC.subjectSupplier selectionen_US
DC.subjectSupply chain managementen_US
DC.subjectelectricity industryen_US
DC.titleKey Factors of Supplier Selection in Material Shortage Situation– Computer and Peripheral Equipment Industryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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