博碩士論文 109453038 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChen-Chian Tangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著電子科技的日新月異,筆記型電腦也因為技術的演化;繁衍出功能的多樣性以及高度整合性,使得軟硬體與應用程式的開發日趨複雜。BIOS軟體身為電腦開機啟動時,處理器第一個執行的程式,因此,它肩負著重大任務,引導處理器識別所有關聯組件,最後導引至作業系統完成開機作業。然而BIOS系統開發通常需要多方合作,其過程中經常需要釐清作業系統、硬體、軟體以及韌體等多方問題,須經由多方合作協調,過程中難免因為多方協調的溝通不良造成誤解、設計文件標示不明或者需求定義不清,讓溝通不斷的產生甚至發生摩擦造成研發與測試的進度落後。 針對以上多方溝通協調問題,本研究嘗試從多方協調與溝通角度,應用『協調理論』提出以筆記型電腦BIOS系統開發專案為例,系統軟體開發過程中的問題管理活動在涉及多方合作下無法有效解決系統開發問題並及時落實在產品上之解決方案。本研究以個案研究的方式,探討筆記型電腦設計開發中的系統軟體測試之問題管理,檢視台灣辦公室在工作流程中所遭遇的問題,彙整個案公司在進行開發過程中發生的狀況,所面對的流程、人員、問題管理、訊息溝通轉換過程中所發生的問題,建立出一套可持續發展的溝通協調模式,將有助於個案公司的台灣辦公室在系統軟體開發上對於多方合作協調的研發過程之問題管理的改善。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the ever-changing technology, the advanced notebook computers generate the diverse and high integration functions, which makes the software, hardware and application development more complex . The BIOS system is the first program to be execute d when a computer is turned on. To finish the computer startup , t he BIOS system is an important role that leads the processor to identify all of the associated components However, the BIOS system development usually needs to consider the multilateral cooperation to solve the issue that include the operating system, hardware, software and firmware; hence there are some problems such as poor communication , unclear design document and definition in t he discussion. Note that these problems could incur the research and test behind the schedule To solve the above problems , this study attempts the coordination theory (i.e., multilateral negotiation and communication) to propose the solution entitled A case study of laptop bios system development ”. The purpose of the solution is to overcome the issue management activities not to be resolve d efficiently and feedback timely on the product in the system software development process . The specific company is investigated in this work to explore the issue management associated with the system software test during the design development of the notebook computers . Therefore, this study not only inspect s the issues occurred in the work process of Taiwan office and collects the issues during development in specific company, but also establishes a coordinated model for stable development to solve the issues in the process , actor , issue management and conversion process of message communication . This solution can help specific company of Taiwan office to improve the issue management associated with the system software development in the research process.en_US
DC.subjectIssue Managementen_US
DC.subjectCoordination Theoryen_US
DC.subjectSystem Software Testingen_US
DC.subjectNotebook Computer System Developmenten_US
DC.subjectMultiple Coordinationen_US
DC.titleApplying Coordination Theory to Establish A Coordinative Process in Managing Issue Improvements That Involve Multiple Partiesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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