博碩士論文 109454022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChiung-Wen Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文運用產業經濟學中的「結構-行為-績效」 (Structure-Conduct-Performance, S-C-P) 架構理論,分析功率導線架產業的市場結構、廠商行為與經營績效,以及目前的發展現況,探討功率導線架業者的產業狀況,並對產業的未來提出策略建議。 研究結果發現,從基本條件來看,金屬材料銅是生產導線架的主要原料,公司的營運及獲利皆會受到材料成本價格的波動影響,所以銅供應及價格的上漲與下跌對導線架成本影響大。 市場結構上,功率導線架廠商屬於寡占市場,產業具有客製化、高度的工藝技術門檻,加上資本密集的特性,且前四家大廠主要集中在台灣,經歷市場競爭、整合,以及併購、擴廠行為後,已讓現存的功率導線架廠商擁有一定的規模經濟,並呈現大者恆大的態勢,使市場集中度更為提高,新進的廠商進入障礙高。 而在廠商的行為上,廠商可以在原料上漲或下跌的過程中,適時地將原物料價格波動反映給客戶,在「加工」費用上做調整;此外,也因為客製化程度高,廠商也會依照客戶所需功率的能量轉換或使用速度來決定加工價格,一般來說,功率只要越大、價格就會越高。 在產品策略方面,除了致力於利基型導線架產品發展外,另,在國際各大車廠陸續推出電動車款,廠商均擴大在新能源車模組的發展,亦在第三代半導體導線架領域和客戶一同開發,同時推進客戶使用自製異型材。 最後,本研究根據業者公告的績效數據,發現廠商受原物料影響甚巨,且收購、併購等動作確實對廠商營運表現出現顯著成長,同時也提升廠商的市場占有率。 本研究建議,由於功率導線架與原物料銅息息相關,建議廠商應與上游原料端保持一定關係,並且以合約方式穩定料源。再者,功率導線架產業和半導體產業景氣榮景擁有高度正相關,且台灣功率導線架產業在規模經濟上已領先國外同業,建議廠商可藉著廠商的先行者優勢,適時進行產業水平整合、優化產品組合、擴大市場占有率,以產能的及產品品質的優勢提高自身競爭力,進一步成為價格領導者。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis paper uses the "Structure-Conduct-Performance" (S-C-P) framework theory in industrial economics to analyze the market structure, manufacturer′s behavior and business performance of the power lead frame industry, and the current development status, and discusses the power lead frame manufacturer. The industry status of the power lead frame manufacturer and put forward strategic suggestions for the future of the industry.  The results of the research, we found that from the perspective of basic conditions, the metal material copper is the main raw material for the production of lead frames, and the company′s operations and profits will be affected by fluctuations in material cost prices.  In terms of market structure, power lead frame manufacturers belong to an oligopolistic market. The industry has customization, high process technology threshold, and capital-intensive characteristics. The top four major manufacturers are mainly concentrated in Taiwan and have experienced market competition, integration, and mergers and acquisitions. After the expansion of the factory, the existing power lead frame manufacturers have a certain scale economy, and getting bigger, which makes the market concentration even higher, and the high barrier for new manufacturers to entry.  Behavior of manufacturers, manufacturers can reflect the price fluctuations of raw materials to customers in the process of rising or falling of raw materials, and make adjustments in "processing" costs; In addition, because of the high degree of customization, manufacturers can the processing price will also be determined according to the energy conversion or use speed of the power required by the customer. In general, the higher power, the higher price.  In the product strategy, in addition to focusing on the development of niche lead frame products, electric vehicle models have been launched in major international automakers. The field is developed together with customers, and at the same time promotes the use of self-made profiles by customers.  Finally, according to the operating performance by the industry, we found that manufacturers are greatly affected by raw materials, and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions and other actions have indeed significantly increased the operation performance of manufacturers, and also increased the market share of manufacturers.  We suggest that since the power lead frame is closely related to the raw material copper, it is suggested that the manufacturer should maintain a certain relationship with the upstream raw material end and stabilize the material source by contract. Furthermore, the prosperity and prosperity of the power lead frame industry and the semiconductor industry are highly positively correlated, and Taiwan′s power lead frame industry is already ahead of its foreign counterparts in terms of economies of scale. We suggested that manufacturers can take advantage of the first-mover advantages of manufacturers to carry out industrial level integration, optimize product mix, expand market share, improve their competitiveness with the advantages of production capacity and product quality, and further become price leaders.en_US
DC.subjectPower Lead Frameen_US
DC.subjectLead Frameen_US
DC.subjectElectric vehiclesen_US
DC.subjectAlternative fuel vehicleen_US
DC.title半導體材料之功率導線架產業 結構─行為─績效分析zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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