博碩士論文 109456008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShou-Ming Hsiaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract價值工程是針對目標,由專業團隊有系統地投入產品功能分析研究,提供有效分析步驟,建議合宜替代方案。在顧客對產品所認定的品質不變之前提下,思考如何排除過度設計,用可代換之工程設計、較低價原物料、替代材料或加工方法,與刪除對功能沒貢獻之系統,可為顧客在維持功能需求下撙節費用,甚至能提升工程機能和品質。 SS型飛彈透過戰術、任務與環境的不同需求,應用價值工程手法提出新研製與改善系統內模組方案,進行產品構型變更與設計,相關手段包含自製轉外包、更換供應商、料件替換、規格調適、重新設計與製程精進等。經由前述價值工程分析研究後,產品成本計量容易,惟影響功能的因素很多且不易量化,故SS型飛彈構型變更前後功能的分析及製造成本計算為此價值工程研究的核心。 本文應用價值工程掂量範疇以經濟價值為重心,並以其中細分之使用價值與成本價值做對比與分析。構改後成品均通過審查、稽核與測試等,單枚成本降低比例為16.27%,達最佳生產批量300枚時可提高至26.45%。另外,優異的價值工程不僅節減開支、提升機能與品質,新版構型亦作為未來精進改善標的之有力根蒂。 現代軍事裝備使用諸多新科技,本研究應用手段包含自製轉外包及合適料件替換等,扶植民間供應鏈廠商、提升產業技術轉型或升級,可增加軍民通用的科技能力,適度將軍備成本轉用於民間產業,擴大內需對總體經濟發展亦可發揮加乘效益,在後續盈千累萬生產數量遞增後,必粲然可觀。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractValue engineering- a professional team is systematically invested in product’s functional analysis and research, and then provides effective analysis steps as well as suggests appropriate alternatives. On the premise that keeps the same level of the product’s quality, the professional team proceeds to eliminate over-designs, uses alternative designs, lowers the cost of raw-materials, substitutes materials and processing methods as well as deletes the redundant subsystems. The team has to consider all these adapted activities not only for reducing some part of the costs, but also still maintaining the same or even upgrading level of the product’s quality. Based on the different needs of tactics, tasks and environments, SS missile proposed improvements of in-system’s module solutions and carried out product configuration changes and designs by using value engineering methods such as self-made change to outsourced, replace suppliers and materials, adjust specification, redesign and process improvement etc. For above changes, product cost measurements are straightforward but it is difficult to quantify the functions since many factors affecting them. Therefore, the analyses of the function before and after the configuration changes, the manufacture costs’ calculation become the core of value engineering research. This research applies the value engineering to focus on economic value, and also compares & analyzes the subdivided use value and cost value. After configuration changed, the final product has passed its reviews, audits and tests. The cost reduction ratio for a single piece reaches to 16.27%, and it can be increased to 26.45% when using the optimal production batch - 300 pieces. We consider that an extraordinary value engineering not only reduce costs, improve performance and qualities, but also serves as a strong foundation for future improvement. Modern military equipment uses many new technologies. The applied methods of this research contain changing military self-made to out-source as well as substituting appropriate materials. These approaches not only support the private supply chains but also upgrade industrial technological transformations. In the meantime, these movements can also increase both the military and civilians’ general scientific and technological capabilities. And they also make some parts of military equipment’s expenses transform to the private industries’ incomes. As a result, the corresponding domestic supplies will therefore expand their capacities and the aforementioned incomes will play a multiplicative effect on the overall economic development. It would definitely make us very impressive after the subsequent increases in such kind of production volumes.en_US
DC.subjectValue Engineeringen_US
DC.subjectValue Analysisen_US
DC.subjectConfiguration Changeen_US
DC.titleApplying Value Engineering in Configuration Change and Design - A Case Study of SS Missile Productionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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