博碩士論文 109457015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKUN-YEN LINen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract探討大學生參與產學合作的動機因素 中文摘要 「產學合作」乃產、官、學三方機構的合作,共同促成學生到企(產)業端的交流方案。學校/學生是以教育、學習的角度出發,企業/人資則是以用人、培訓的角度做安排,而政府扮演監督角色;從相關的文獻發現,多數是從產業界的觀點所做的研究報告如:產學合作的績效探討、訓練成效…等,而從學生的角度做研究探討者,則相對較少;本研究論文旨在探討大學生參與產學合作方案的需求或動機因素,採紙本問卷的方式進行資料收集,總計共發放260份問卷,回收有效229份,研究對象為雲林科技大學、虎尾科技大學、嘉南藥理大學、吳鳳科技大學等四所院校之在學學生,不分科系及年級,學生僅須依個人參與產學合作活動時之主觀意識來填答問卷,限制受測者必須為有意願參加產學合作者。 綜合本研究的分析與討論,歸納出以下幾點發現: 1. 性別與追求成功、挑戰自我有關 2. 家庭收入與學生就業規畫的積極程度有關 3. 公私立學校的學生對於職涯發展近程、遠程期許不同。 4. 產學合作時學生最在意的: (1)公司的安全規範制度 (2)能獲得合理薪資 (3)能獲得良好的福利制度 5. 產學合作時學生最不同意的: (1)以合約方式穩固雙方雇傭關係 (2)因參加產學合作能強化國家教育系統 (3)因參加產學合作提升國家的競爭力zh_TW
dc.description.abstractExplore the motivation factors for college students to participate in industry-university cooperation Abstract "Industry-Academia Cooperation" is a cooperation between industry, government and academia to jointly promote the exchange program between students and enterprises (industries). Schools/students are based on the perspective of education and learning, enterprises/human resources are arranged from the perspective of employment and training, and the government plays a supervisory role; from the relevant literature, it is found that most of the research reports are made from the perspective of the industry, such as: the performance of industry-university cooperation, training effectiveness... Etc., and from the perspective of students to do research discussors, there are relatively few; this research paper aims to explore the needs or motivation factors of college students to participate in the industry-university cooperation program, the way to collect data in the form of paper questionnaires, a total of 260 questionnaires were distributed, 229 valid copies were recovered, and the research objects were students of four institutions such as Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Huwei University of Science and Technology, Jia Nan Pharmacology University, Wufeng University of Science and Technology, regardless of department and grade, students only had to fill in the questionnaire according to their subjective consciousness when participating in industry-university cooperation activities. The person subjects must be required to participate in industry-academia cooperation. Based on the analysis and discussion of this study, the following conclusions are summarized: 1.Gender is related to the pursuit of success and self- challenge. 2.Family income is related to the degree of enthusiasm of students′ employment planning. 3.Students in public and private schools have different expectations for career development in the near term and long distance. 4.What students care most about during the internship: (1) The company′s safety standard system. (2) Get a reasonable salary. (3) Have access to a good welfare system. 5.What students most disagree with during the internship: (1) Contractually secure the employment relationship between the two parties. (2) Participation in industry-academia cooperation strengthens the national education system. (3) Enhance the competitiveness of the country by participating in industry-academia cooperation.en_US
DC.subjectindustry-academia cooperationen_US
DC.subjectmotivation factorsen_US
DC.subjectdemand theoryen_US
DC.titleExplore college students Motivational factors for participating in industry-academia collaborationsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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