博碩士論文 109457030 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKuan-Yi Luen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在數十年的過往之中,知識儼然成為全球競爭性商業體系中的一個必要組成部分, 而不是我們常認知到的財產和固定資產。近年來,員工敬業度的研究與話題引起了學術體系和公司企業的關注,因為此一概念不僅和組織績效有所關連,並且對企業員工的職能提升與企業組織的成長也至關重要。員工投入的程度對企業組織的延續發展與成功非常重要。目前許多的企業組織己意識到,企業最大的資產就員工,因為員工就是企業的代表,員工就是企業的一部分,員工的投入、員工的敬業度即是企業內部組織的成功,高員工的敬業度也是企業對外部組織競爭的基石。 組織內知識的共享程度與員工的意願有關,而員工的意願也通常來自與同事是否有著良好的人際關係互動,並對企業組織有著一定良好與認同高員工敬業度。許多的研究資料說明,在員工內部不積極知識分享的狀況下,員工的知識資源在團隊中將無法得到充分的運用與發揮。當組織的知識不被共享利用時,不僅影響的是個人績效表現,企業整體的組織績效也將會下降。反之在文化樂於分享的組織之中,允許個人與團隊分享他的知識,不僅個人的績效會有增長,並且將牽動著組織茁壯與與成功。 由本研究結果實證發現員工的敬業度會正向影響組織的績效;知識分享也同樣正向顯著影響組織績效。在二者之間將中介因子知識分享加入後,對員工敬業度及組織績效之間也產生了顯著正向影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOver the past few decades, knowledge has become an indispensable part in the world competitive business environment. It is not the property and fixed assets that we often recognize. In recent years the study and issue of employee engagement has attracted the attention of academics and businesses alike, because this concept is not related to organizational performance and is also critical to the functional improvement of employees and the growth of organizations. Employee engagement is critical to the success and longevity of business environments. Many companies have realized that their employees are their greatest resource. as an organization is represented by its employees, who help it to compete and succeed with external organizations. Knowledge sharing is related to the willingness of employees to share knowledge, which is usually a result of good communication with colleagues, and a certain level of identification with the organization and good employee engagement. Research shows that without active knowledge sharing within the employees, their knowledge resources will not be fully utilized within Team. When knowledge is not communicated, not only does individual performance suffer, but also the performance of the organization decline. Conversely, in a shared knowledge culture that allows individuals to contribute their knowledge to the team., not only will personal performance improve, but also the growth and success of the Organize will also be achieved. According to the results of this study, employee engagement has significant impact on organizational performance, while knowledge sharing also has a positive and significant impact on organizational performance. Knowledge sharing also has a significant positive impact after acting as a mediator between employee engagement and organizational performance.en_US
DC.subjectEmployee Engagementen_US
DC.subjectknowledge sharingen_US
DC.subjectOrganizational Performanceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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