博碩士論文 109521108 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLi-En Tzengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文提出應用於FR1(Frequency Range 1) 頻段基站設備之寬頻雙極化貼片天線陣列設計,可提供5G NR (New Radio)之n77至n79頻段(3.3 GHz-5 GHz) 行動通訊應用。天線以交叉之微帶線饋入使其有雙極化特性,並在天線金屬上挖出槽孔使其具有寬頻之效果。設計完成後以2 × 2的方式作排列,天線單元間距為中心頻率(4.2 GHz)下之0.85個自由空間波長(0.85λ0)。本論文設計之單一基站天線及天線陣列置於160 × 276 × 1 mm3尺寸之反射板上並距離15 mm(0.21λ0),使其獲得單向輻射的特性。而論文中所使用的板材分為兩種,其一為低成本的FR4介質板,其二為低介質損耗之NGP-170DR板材。饋入的方式在兩個極化中皆使用1分4之威爾金森功率分配器,使天線陣列操作方式為一饋入結構產生一極化方向。 量測單一天線之結果顯示,基站天線整體結構尺寸為160 × 276 × 16.8 mm3,天線基板尺寸為32.5 × 32.5 × 0.8 mm3(0.45λ0×0.45λ0×0.01λ0),二埠量測頻寬分別為47.28 % 與46.66 %,0度方向量測增益為6.41~8.51 dBi,隔離度在所需頻段皆大於16 dB以上且具有高指向性;量測天線陣列之結果顯示,基站之天線陣列部分結構尺寸為160 × 276 × 16.8 mm3,單元天線尺寸為34.5 × 34.5 × 0.8 mm3(0.48λ0×0.48λ0×0.01λ0),二埠量測頻寬分別為48.64 % 與51.39 %,0度方向量測增益為9.42~13.36 dBi,隔離度在所需頻段皆大於16 dB以上且具有高指向性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis thesis proposes a design of broadband dual-polarization patch antenna array for FR1 (Frequency Range 1) frequency band base station equipments, which provide 5G NR (New Radio) n77 to n79 frequency band (3.3 GHz-5.0 GHz) mobile communication applications. The proposed antenna was fed with crossed microstrip lines to obtain dual-polarization characteristics and was made of metal with slots to obtain broadband characteristics. Following the design of the single antenna, a 2 × 2 antenna array was also constructed with array spacing of 0.85 free-space wavelengths (0.85λ0) at the center frequency (4.2 GHz). The single base station antenna and antenna array were placed above a 160 × 276 × 1 mm3 reflector at a distance of 15 mm (0.21λ0) to achieve unidirectional radiation. There were two kinds of substrates used in the thesis: one was a low-cost FR4 substrate, and the other was an NGP-170DR substrate with a low dielectric loss. The feeding method is to use Wilkinson power dividers in both polarizations, with one feed in antenna array structure resulting in one polarization. The proposed designs were realized with the antenna substrate of 32.5 × 32.5 × 0.8 mm3 (0.45λ0×0.45λ0×0.01λ0) in the base station of 160 × 276 × 16.8 mm3. The measurement results of the single antenna show that bandwidths of the two ports are 47.28 % and 46.66 %, the antenna gain in the broadside direction is 6.41~8.51 dBi, and the isolation is better than 16 dB in the required frequency band with high directivity. The measurement results of the antenna array (each antenna substrate size is 34.5×34.5×0.8 mm3 (0.48λ0×0.48λ0×0.01λ0)) show that the bandwidths of the two ports are 48.64 % and 51.39 %, the antenna gain in the broadside direction is 9.42~13.36 dBi, and the isolation is better than 16 dB in the required frequency band with high directivity.en_US
DC.subjectpatch antenna arrayen_US
DC.titleDesign of Broadband Dual-Polarization Patch Antenna Array for FR1- Band Base Station Applicationsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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