博碩士論文 109521119 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJia-Siang Shihen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文分為5章,第一章為緒論。首先我們說明封裝的發展及其重要性,接著分別介紹常見的封裝連接方式(鎊線接合、球柵陣列、覆晶封裝),然後說明鎊線封裝應用在毫米波頻段時,因為其本身帶有低通濾波器的特性,導致鎊線的反射以及傳輸損耗尤其嚴重,若能改善訊號通過鎊線時嚴重惡化的情況,將使鎊線封裝具有應用在毫米波頻段的潛力。 第二章為鎊線封裝的特性探討。首先我們考慮加入封裝材料對以鎊線傳遞訊號的封裝電路造成的影響,並針對低損耗以及高損耗的封裝材料對鎊線電路造成的影響進行模擬分析。然後,為了有效的分析鎊線封裝時的電氣特性,對於鎊線結構提出一基於準靜態的分析方法,建立準確度涵蓋直流到40 GHz的鎊線等效電路模型。 第三章為量測驗證等效電路模型的準確性。首先我們以PCB製程以及WIPD晶片製程設計鎊線封裝電路結構,然後基於第二章提出的準靜態分析方法建立鎊線等效電路模型。接著,因為鎊線封裝電路的量測結果包含饋入至鎊線的傳輸結構S參數響應,為了將量測結果與鎊線等效電路進行比較,我們使用Through-Line-Line去嵌化方法將饋入的傳輸結構響應去除。最後,我們比較單根鎊線的HFSS模擬結果、鎊線等效電路的計算結果以及經過校正後得到僅包含鎊線S參數的量測結果,三者的比較結果十分吻合,證實我們在第二章提出的以準靜態分析方法建立的鎊線等效電路能夠適用到毫米波頻段。 第四章為鎊線封裝效應的探討與改善。因為鎊線本身帶有低通濾波器的效應,造成訊號在毫米波頻段的反射情況嚴重,為改善此缺點,使鎊線封裝適用於毫米波頻段,我們將設計鎊線結構的匹配電路,具體作法有調整鎊線形狀、使用帶狀鎊線傳遞訊號、在鎊線電路結構加上電容性的開路殘段,以及在訊號線上使用兩根鎊線進行匹配。最後,本論文提出一個透過模擬設定邊界條件的方法,來考慮類似QFN這種使用多根鎊線傳遞訊號的方式,透過此模擬設定能針對多根鎊線傳輸訊號時,耦合效應可能較為嚴重的情況快速進行分析。 最後是結論與未來工作。 關鍵字 : 毫米波、封裝、鎊線、等效電路模型zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis paper is divided into five chapters. We explain the development of packaging and its importance in Chapter 1, and then introduce the common packaging connection methods (bond wire, ball grid array, and flip chip packaging). Then, we show that the reflection and transmission loss of bond wire is particularly serious when bond wire package is applied to the millimeter wave band because of its inherent low-pass filter characteristics. If the signal degradation can be improved, the potential of the bond wire package in the millimeter wave band will be realized. We examines the characteristics of bond wire package in Chapter 2. First, we consider the effect of adding packaging materials on the package circuit that transmits signals by bond wire, and simulate the effect of low-loss and high-loss packaging materials on the bond wire circuit. Then, in order to effectively analyze the electrical characteristics of the bond wire package, a quasi-static-based analysis method is presented for the bond wire structure, and a bond wire equivalent circuit model is developed with accuracy covering DC to 40 GHz. Chapter 3 is to verify the accuracy of the equivalent circuit model by measurement. First, we design the bond wire package circuit structure using the PCB process and the WIPD wafer process, and then build the bond wire equivalent circuit model based on the quasi-static analysis method proposed in Chapter 2. Then, since the measurement results of the bond wire package circuit include the S-parameter response of the transmission structure fed to the bond wire, we use the Through-Line-Line de-embedding method to remove the feed-in transmission structure response in order to compare the measurement results with the bond wire equivalent circuit. Finally, we compare the HFSS simulation results for a single bond wire, the calculation results for the bond wire equivalent circuit, and the measurement results with only the S parameter of the bond wire after correction. The results of the three comparisons are in reasonable agreement, confirming that the bond wire equivalent circuit built by the quasi-static analysis method we proposed in Chapter 2 can be applied to the millimeter wave band. Chapter 4 is to discuss and improve the effect of bond wire package. Because of the low-pass filtering effect of the bond wire itself, the signal is seriously reflected in the millimeter wave band. In order to improve this drawback and make the bond wire package suitable for the millimeter wave band, we will design a matching circuit for the bond wire structure by adjusting the shape of the bond wire, using a ribbon bond wire to transmit the signal, adding capacitive open stubs to the bond wire circuit structure, and using two bond wires for matching on the signal line. Finally, we present a method of simulating boundary conditions to consider the use of multiple bond wires for signal transmission similar to the QFN, which allows for a quick analysis of coupling effects that may be more severe when multiple bond wires are employed for signal transmission. The conclusion and future work are provided in Chapter 5. Key words : millimeter wave, package, bond wire, equivalent circuit modelen_US
DC.subjectmillimeter waveen_US
DC.subjectbond wireen_US
DC.subjectequivalent circuit modelen_US
DC.titleAnalysis and Design of Bond Wires for Millimeter-Wave Packaging Applicationsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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