博碩士論文 109552012 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYan-Guang Cianen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在當前迅速發展的工業 4.0 背景下,針對未來產線日益增加的客製化生產需求,設 備間資訊交換與協作的重要性日益凸顯,本研究基於 SEMI 公司最新推出的 SEMI ELS SMT A1/A1.1 協定規範,專注於開發 SEMI ELS SMT A2 中提及的主機與設備間的垂直 通訊功能。我們結合本實驗室的 MIAT 方法論,對系統架構進行建模,並採用 Grafcet 視 覺化手段對離散事件進行建模,基於此模型,我們進行軟體的高階合成,並結合 Socket API 函式庫及 TCP/IP 通訊協定,進行軟體的整合與驗證。本實驗成功實現了一台主機 與三台設備間的垂直通訊及數據傳輸,不僅實現了關鍵的 M2M 功能,同時通過該機制 實現了主機與設備間的直接數據連接,這使主機能夠更直接且即時地獲取設備信息,從 而在問題發生時能夠進行及時且準確的故障診斷與修復。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe current development of Industry 4.0 is rapid, and to meet the growing demand for customized production in future production lines, the emphasis on information exchange and collaboration between devices has become crucial. This study is based on the latest SEMI ELS SMT A1/A1.1 protocol specification proposed by SEMI Corporation. It is dedicated to developing the vertical communication functionality between the host and devices proposed in the upper-level SEMI ELS SMT A2. The study combines the MIAT methodology from our laboratory for system architecture modeling, utilizes Grafcet graphical representation for discrete event modeling, performs software high-level synthesis using the generated model, and finally integrates and verifies the software with the underlying Socket API library using the TCP/IP communication protocol. Through this experiment, successful implementation of vertical communication between one host and three corresponding devices was achieved, along with the corresponding data exchange. This accomplishment realizes the crucial M2M functionality. Furthermore, through this mechanism, direct interfacing of data transmission between the host and devices is possible. It allows the host to obtain device information more directly and in real-time, facilitating immediate and accurate debugging and correction in case of issues.en_US
DC.subjectSMT 機聯網zh_TW
DC.subjectSEMI SMT-ELS A2 垂直通訊zh_TW
DC.titleSMT機聯網SEMI SMT-ELS A2垂直通訊軟體開發zh_TW
DC.titleImplementation of the Software Based on the Vertical Communication of SMT-ELSen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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