博碩士論文 109757004 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract臺灣是個多元族群的社會,楊梅區為桃園市主要的客家聚落之一,在楊梅區都市原住民人口比例逐年增加中,他們大多居住在周邊衛星城鎮區,桃園市是目前臺灣原住民族人口最高的都會區。 本研究主要研究場域為以桃園市楊梅地區,研究對象為當地原住民族群,探討主題則為原客族群關係之研究,以「原住民族群的認同態度」與「原客族群之間的互動關係」為分析指標。研究方法本文研究為以質性研究進行,透過文獻探討以及半結構式訪談法進行研究。研究結果發現,經由研究資料的整理與分析發現有幾種認同方式與互動關係: (一)原生論認同:都市原住民的第一代久居住都市,雖然在漢人的價值社會環境夾縫中討生活,但由於自幼出生受到原鄉文化的洗禮,仍不失其原住民族的主體性,不全然受到漢人文化價值的影響,對於原鄉部落仍有濃厚的情感在與對原鄉文化的執著。 (二)原住民家族認同:由於都會原住民族群子弟與傳統文化漸漸遠離,有些父母不強調原住民母語與原住民文化,與原鄉傳統連結變弱,家族認同上也遭遇很大的挑戰。 (三)原住民多重性的認同:由於原漢通婚的增加,與都市原住民子弟,其生活樣式及語言均與漢人類似,由於具有原住民的血緣,擁有法訂的原住民身分,導致他們在認同上呈現多重的特性,以致後代族群認同須透過隨情境變化的特質與不同的互動來定義自己。 (四)泛原住民意識認同:由於受到原住民運動影響,原住民的族群意識更為強烈,使得跨越族群性建構凝聚成為更廣義的「泛原住民」認同,不再受限於血統、地域的限制,作為集體利益的工具。 (五)原住民邊緣認同:由於原漢通婚迫於失婚,重新選擇認同,期透過傳統文化活動得到集體性的認同,無奈久居都市的孤離,由於原鄉部落社會關係網絡斷鍊,該如何辨認「自已是誰」,心理層面漂泊的複雜與游移徘徊於族群認同邊緣上的選擇。 (六)原客族群的互動關係:在族群雙方接觸交流之中,雙方相互學習與影響下,界線正隨著彼此交流的結果不斷地流動,楊梅區原住民族群在客家庄中受到客家文化的影響下,在飲食、通婚、交友、文化等方面,正逐漸接受往客家族群靠近。 關鍵詞: 原客、族群關係、都市原住民、認同、楊梅zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Taiwan is a multi-ethnic society. Yangmei District is one of the main Hakka settlements in Taoyuan City. The population of indigenous people in Yangmei District, residing mostly in satellite towns, is growing year by year. Taoyuan City currently has the biggest indigenous population in Taiwan. The main focus area and object of this study are Yangmei District of Taoyuan City and the indigenous people who reside there. The major discussion is the relations between the indigenous people and the Hakka residents by adopting the analytical metrics of “attitude of the indigenous people’s recognition toward Hakka people′′ and “interaction with Hakka people.” The method of this study is qualitative research and it is conducted by literature reviews&semi‑structured interviews. The result of the study, through organizing and analyzing research references, demonstrates several methods of identities and interactive relationships as followings: 1.Identity of primordialism: Despite residing in urban areas and living under an environment of Han people’s social value, the first generation of the urban indigenous people were nourished by the indigenous tribal culture since they were born. Thus, the urban indigenous people retain their subjectivity of indigenous ethnic regardless of the influence of Han cultural value. They still have strong affection and persistence for indigenous culture. 2.Identity of indigenous family: Indigenous family’s identity is facing a grand challenge as a result of widening gap between urban indigenous people and their traditional culture, less emphasis on mother tongues and cultures from indigenous parents, and weak connections with indigenous tribes. 3.Identity of indigenous multiplicity: Given the increase of indigenous and Han miscegenation, urban indigenous people’s lifestyle and language become similar to Han people. However, indigenous blood and official indigenous identity induce urban indigenous people showing their multiplicity of indigenous identity. These issues cause a new generation of urban indigenous people to define themselves through atmospheric changes and different interactions. 4.Identity of pan-indigenous consciousness: Given the effect of indigenous movement, indigenous people’s ethnic consciousness becomes stronger. Construction of inter ethnicity leads to broader identity of “pan-indigenous people” and turns into a tool of group interests beyond restrictions of genetic connections and geographies. 5.Identity of indigenous marginalization: Because of divorces, urban indigenous people tend to choose a different identity via conventional cultural activities so as to acquire collective identity. Nevertheless, disconnection of social relations with indigenous tribes due to loneliness of long-time staying in urban areas raises a question of “who am I.” The choice of identity of indigenous marginalization hovers on psychological wandering and complicated life. 6.Interaction between indigenous and Hakka people: Ethnic boundaries are unspecific. Because of recognition of each other’s cultural interactions, boundaries will keep moving as a result of these interactions. The indigenous ethnic groups in Yangmei District, under the influence of Hakka culture in the Hakka towns, is getting closer to Hakka people in aspects of dietary, intermarriage, friendship, and, culture. Key words: Indigenous and Hakka people, Relations of Ethnic Groups, Urban aboriginal,Identity, Yangmei Districten_US
DC.subjectIndigenous and Hakka peopleen_US
DC.subjectRelations of Ethnic Groupsen_US
DC.subjectUrban aboriginalen_US
DC.subjectYangmei Districten_US
DC.titleThe Study of Relations of Indigenous and Hakka Ethnic Groups: the Case of Yangmei District in Taoyuan Cityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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