博碩士論文 109757022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Chin Huen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文主要探討朗讀融入客語教學之行動研究,研究者利用晨光時間推動客家語朗讀教學活動,透過朗讀客語文章的技巧指導,反覆訓練學童字正腔圓的客家語,增進客語詞彙能力與閱讀能力,進而提升兒童客語的口語表達能力。 兒童應從小奠定語言的基礎教育,從落實與推動客家語朗讀教學開始,以達成客語回歸家庭且融入生活的目標。本研究採取客語四縣腔教學,利用行動研究的方法,檢視朗讀融入客語教學的計畫、行動、觀察與省思,達成朗讀提升客語教學之成效。 研究顯示藉由行動研究設計的反思修正與改進教學,能有效提升客語教學的品質與激發學童學習客語的興趣,進而提高學童客語的能力,達成預期的研究指標。亦即在執行本行動研究後,能增進研究對象客語朗讀的基礎素養,並在語音、聲情、台風上有顯著的進步;客語朗讀參賽之選手亦有傑出的表現為校爭光。因此,教師透過朗讀融入客語教學的行動策略,能達到客語文化傳承的目標。本行動研究的專業成長之模式,實可做為客語教師精進朗讀教學之參考。 研究建議包含客語教師充實客語朗讀專業素養;學校行政單位落實客語朗讀的深耕教育作育英才;主管機關客語師資培訓以客語朗讀提升客語師資的基本能力,並以客語朗讀翻轉客家文化發展的建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research mainly discussed the action research on the integration of aloud reading into the teaching of Hakka. Using the morning independent study time to promote the teaching of Hakka aloud reading through the technical guidance of Hakka articles, the researcher repeatedly trained the students to speak Hakka fluently and improve their vocabulary skills, reading ability, and therefore enhanced the oral expression ability of children in Hakka. Children should lay the basic educational foundation of language from an early age, starting from the implementation and promotion of Hakka reading teaching, to achieve the goal of Hakka language returning to the family and integrating into daily life. The research adopted Xi-ien kiong and used action research methods to examine the plans, actions, observations and reflections of aloud reading into Hakka language teaching, so as to achieve the effect of aloud reading in improving Hakka teaching skills. The research showed that the reflection, revision and improvement of teaching through the design of action research can effectively improve the quality of teaching and stimulate students′ interest in learning Hakka, thereby improving the students′ Hakka ability and achieving the expected research indicators. In other words, after the implementation of this action research, the basic literacy of Hakka aloud reading of the research subjects can be improved, and there is a significant improvement in pronunciation, voice, affection and stage manners. The contestants of Hakka aloud reading also have outstanding performance to win glory for our school. Therefore, teachers can achieve the goal of inheriting Hakka culture by integrating the action strategy of aloud reading into Hakka teaching. The professional growth model of this action research can be used as a reference for Hakka language teachers to improve their aloud reading teaching. The research recommendations include Hakka teachers to enrich the professional quality of Hakka reading, school administrative units implement the in-depth education of Hakka reading to cultivate students and the Hakka language teacher training of the competent authority improves the basic ability of Hakka teachers by Hakka aloud reading, and renovations for the development of Hakka culture by Hakka aloud reading. Keywords: Aloud Reading of Hakka Language, Teaching of Hakka Language, Aloud Reading, Action Researchen_US
DC.subjectAloud Reading of Hakka Languageen_US
DC.subjectAloud Readingen_US
DC.subjectTeaching of Hakka Languageen_US
DC.subjectAction Researchen_US
DC.title朗讀融入客語教學之行動研究 –以桃園市大興國小為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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