博碩士論文 110256014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Chen Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract現代醫學的進步會強調要精準的醫療,中醫也要與時俱進,目前中醫最被詬病的就是數據化的問題,諸如把脈時的浮、中、沉、洪脈、弦脈等等,很難數據化,本論文嘗試以探針的方式去感應皮膚因為脈搏跳動高低起伏所量到的電位差,去對應脈搏的跳動達到數據化的目標,進一步探討利用探針在中醫經絡定位中的可行性。 本研究以陣列的方式記錄出一個區塊每一點的電位差,進一步描繪出脈的立體形狀。本研究使用16根探針排列成一個陣列,再以100mV的測試電壓,將探針陣列放在脈搏位置藉由探針感應到脈搏跳動時皮膚的高低起伏所量到的電位差,將其描繪成立體圖來觀察經絡的位置、強度與形狀。 結果顯示,(1)以顯微鏡觀察脈搏跳動最高最低約0.0025mm,而感應電壓的最大變化為0.008mV,所以每1mm的脈搏高低起伏約有3.2mV的電壓變化,(2)探針火線與地線距離的感應電壓誤差約每公分0.00009568mV,(3)探針矩陣所描繪的脈搏中心線與實際以筆描繪脈搏位置的中心線距離誤差小於1mm。 根據結果分析歸納以下結論, (1) 脈搏跳動的高低相對於感應電壓的精準度為3.2mV/mm,此電壓在一般的儀器裡都很容易量測,所以可以清楚描繪出脈搏的高低。 (2) 針與針的感應電壓誤差為每公分0.00009568mV,與實驗結果因跳動而造成的電壓數值相差1000倍以上,所以在描繪脈搏位置時距離對準確度的影響可以忽略不計。 (3) 脈搏形狀的描繪誤差<1mm,比現在中醫的實務上更加清晰準確。 未來研究可以著重於提高測量精度,將此方法應用於更多中醫經絡和穴位的部分,並且結合人工智慧技術實現自動分析和診斷,推動中醫現代化。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe advancements in modern medicine emphasize the necessity for precision in healthcare. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) must also progress with the times. A major critique of TCM is its lack of quantifiable data, particularly in areas such as pulse diagnosis where terms like superficial, moderate, deep, surging, and wiry pulses are difficult to quantify. This thesis attempts to address this issue by using probes to detect the potential differences on the skin caused by pulsations, thereby quantifying the pulse characteristics. Additionally, it explores the feasibility of using probes for meridian localization in TCM. This study records the potential differences at each point within an area using an array of probes, thereby mapping the three-dimensional shape of the pulse. Sixteen probes arranged in an array were used, with a test voltage of 100mV. The probe array was placed over the pulse to detect the potential differences caused by the skin′s elevations and depressions due to pulsations, which were then used to create a three-dimensional map to observe the meridian′s position, intensity, and shape. The results showed that: (1) Observing the pulse under a microscope, the maximum and minimum elevations were approximately 0.0025mm, with a corresponding maximum voltage change of 0.008mV. Thus, each millimeter of pulse elevation corresponds to a voltage change of approximately 3.2mV. (2) The voltage detection error between the probe′s hot wire and ground wire was approximately 0.00009568mV per centimeter. (3) The distance error between the pulse centerline drawn by the probe matrix and the actual pulse centerline drawn by hand was less than 1mm. Based on the results, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) The precision of detecting pulse elevations relative to the voltage is 3.2mV/mm. This voltage can be easily measured by general instruments, allowing for a clear depiction of the pulse elevations. (2) The voltage detection error between probes is 0.00009568mV per centimeter, which is very small and thus has a negligible impact on the accuracy of pulse position mapping. (3) The error in depicting the pulse shape is less than 1mm, which is more accurate than current practical methods in TCM. Future research can focus on enhancing measurement precision, applying this method to more meridian and acupuncture points in TCM, and integrating artificial intelligence technology for automated analysis and diagnosis, thus promoting the modernization of TCM.en_US
DC.subjectprobe technologyen_US
DC.subjectacupuncture meridian localizationen_US
DC.subjectskin voltage changesen_US
DC.titleA Feasibility Study of Probe-Based Acupoint Localization in Traditional Chinese Medicine Meridiansen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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