博碩士論文 110322057 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorKo-Li Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來台灣受到極端氣候及降雨型態改變的影響,地表水水源不穩定 無法長期使用,造成水資源供需失調,使部分地區以抽取地下水來彌補用水 需求之不足,若長期超抽地下水,將導致地下水源急速下降甚至枯竭。 本研究以高雄的兩個行政區即美濃、旗山為研究區域,使用地下水數值 模式(MODFLOW)進行地下水模擬,經由模式率定後採用相關係數(R2)、均 方根誤差(RMSE)為準則評估率定結果。驗證結果顯示,相關性高,皆在 0.7 以上;美濃之均方根誤差為 1.344 m,其餘皆在 0.2-0.4 m 左右,表示本研究 所建立之地下水流模式可表現地下水文變化。 地下水資源已成為臺灣地區重要的供水來源,故本研究探討從 2020 年 至 2023 年地下水水位之變化。由模擬結果分析得出影響地下水較大之因素 為降雨及抽水量,另外有降雨時抽水量小;無降雨時抽水量大,而模擬後之 地下水位變化,以 2023 年 5 月前相較 2020 年之乾旱期,美濃區、吉洋區 及中洲區分別下降 2.59m、3.12m 及 4.07m,表示 2023 年之水位已低於 2020 年,欲解決地下水位持續下降之問題,需長期有效的管理,以確保地下水資 源之可利用性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, Taiwan has been affected by extreme climate and changes in rainfall patterns, surface water sources are unstable and cannot be used for a long time, resulting in an imbalance between supply and demand for water resources. Some areas have to pump groundwater to make up for the lack of water demand. If groundwater is pumped for a long time, it will This leads to rapid decline or even depletion of groundwater sources. This study focuses on two administrative districts in Kaohsiung, Meinong and Qishan, using a Numerical modeling of Groundwater (MODFLOW) to simulate groundwater behavior. The model was calibrated and evaluated using correlation coefficients (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE) as criteria. The validation results showed high correlation coefficients, all above 0.7, indicating a strong relationship. The root mean square error for Meinong is 1.344m, while the others range from 0.2-0.4m. This suggests that the groundwater flow model established in this study can represent groundwater variations effectively. Groundwater resources have become a major source of water for Taiwan. As a result, this study is intended to explore changes in groundwater levels from 2020 to 2023. Analysis of the simulation results shows that the factors with the greatest impact on groundwater are precipitation and pumping volume. Furthermore, the pumping volume is lower during periods of rain and higher during periods without precipitation. According to the simulated groundwater level changes, comparing the period before May 2023 to the dry period in 2020, Meinong District, Jiyang District, and Zhongzhou District experienced a respective decrease of 2.59m, 3.12m, and 4.07m. This indicates that the groundwater level in 2023 is lower than that in 2020.en_US
DC.subjectGroundwater, MODFLOWen_US
DC.titleResearch on Groundwater Resources in Meinong and Qishan Areasen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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