博碩士論文 110323097 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChang-Kai Hungen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract石英具有壓電性、絕緣性、透光性、高硬度與高熱穩定性。常運用 在頻率元件上,而石英會根據不同切角產生多樣的振盪模式,其中 AT- cut 石英的頻率對溫度變化較小,能提供精準的頻率對照,是目前主要 應用於頻率元件的石英切割角度。 在物聯網時代與 5G 產業興起的浪潮下,電子產品皆以輕薄短小且 功能強大為目標而設計,石英頻率元件為通訊設備、車用和各類電子產 品提供穩定頻率與時脈控制,是不可或缺的存在,其設計也隨著微型 化,但傳統機械式製程已無法滿足設計需求。日本 Seiko Epson 公司率 先提出 QMEMS(Quartz with Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)概念, 將半導體製程技術導入石英產業,使石英晶體能做出特殊的結構,以符 合高頻且微型化的市場需求。 現今的石英產業發展上,雖有先前矽晶圓在半導體製程上的經驗做 為基礎,但將半導體晶圓級製程導入石英頻率元件製程,仍然需要投入 大量研究能量來解決所遇到的瓶頸。 本研究將應用感應耦合電漿反應性離子蝕刻系統(Inductively Coupled Plasma-Reactive ION Etching ,ICP-RIE) 對 AT-CUT 石英晶圓進行乾蝕刻 製程,主要可分成四個階段,首先在製程參數固定的條件下,改變兩組 蝕刻氣體的組成比例,找出蝕刻率最高的氣體組合。接下來在機台穩定 製程範圍內,使用田口方法設計直交表實驗,分析各項參數對蝕刻反應 的影響程度。再透過全因子實驗驗證各因子的效應,最後運用機器學習 最佳化製程參數,以獲得高蝕刻率與垂直側壁結構。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractQuartz possesses desirable properties such as piezoelectricity, insulation, transparency, high hardness, and thermal stability. These characteristics make it suitable for frequency control components, and quartz crystals exhibit various oscillation modes depending on the cut angle. Among them, AT-cut quartz demonstrates minimal frequency variation with temperature changes, providing precise frequency control. Consequently, AT-cut quartz has become the primary choice for frequency control devices. In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the rapid development of the 5G industry, electronic products are designed to be compact, lightweight, and feature-rich. Quartz frequency control components play a crucial role in communication devices, automotive applications, and various electronic products by providing stable frequency and clock control. However, the traditional mechanical manufacturing processes are no longer sufficient to meet the design requirements for miniaturization. To address this challenge, Seiko Epson in Japan pioneered the concept of Quartz with Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (QMEMS) by integrating semiconductor fabrication techniques into the quartz industry. This approach enables the creation of special structures in quartz crystals that meet the market demands for high frequency and miniaturization. Despite leveraging the experience gained from semiconductor wafer processing, applying semiconductor wafer-level processes to quartz frequency control component fabrication still requires substantial research efforts to overcome existing challenges. ii This study aims to apply the Inductively Coupled Plasma-Reactive Ion Etching (ICP-RIE) system to perform dry etching processes on AT-cut quartz wafers. The process can be divided into four stages. Firstly, under fixed process parameters, the composition ratios of two etching gases will be varied to identify the gas combination that yields the highest etching rate. Subsequently, within the stable process range of the equipment, an orthogonal array experiment using the Taguchi method will be conducted to analyze the impact of each parameter on the etching response. The effects of each factor will then be validated through a full-factorial experiment. Finally, machine learning techniques will be utilized to optimize the process parameters, aiming to achieve high etching rates and vertical sidewall structures.en_US
DC.subjectAT-cut 石英zh_TW
DC.subjectAT-cut Quartzen_US
DC.subjectMachine learningen_US
DC.titleResearch on dry etching process applied to AT-cut quartz wafer by ICP-RIEen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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