博碩士論文 110324022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYue-An Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract飲茶文化發源自中國,已有上千年歷史。茶文化影響範圍不單受限於亞洲 地區,十七世紀初荷蘭、葡萄牙兩國透過海上貿易,將中國茶文化帶入西方世 界,引發一股巨大的飲茶風潮。直至今日,茶飲品受普羅大眾所喜愛,在飲品 圈內需求量僅次於水。已有許多研究證實茶對於人體健康保健具有不容小覷的 功效,如增強身體免疫力、降低膽固醇等。茶葉中含有大量多酚類化合物,它 的存在讓茶有著很優秀的抗氧化活性。 γ-氨基丁酸 (GABA) ——一種廣泛存 在於動植物中的胺基酸,在人體中存在於大腦及神經系統,主要功能為鎮靜神 經及調適情緒,近年來人們透過 GABA 改善失眠症狀。在這項研究中,利用 巴西蘑菇 (Agaricus blazei Murill) TITC1 以及布氏乳桿菌 (Lactobacillus buchneri) BCE119151 做為發酵之菌種,在本實驗室過往研究所得之最適化培 養基條件下,對綠茶 (Camellia sinensis) 及油茶 (Camellia oleifera) 萃取液進 行二階段發酵,目的在於生產高 GABA 含量之發酵茶飲品並探討影響 GABA 產量的操作條件及細節。巴西蘑菇中富含多種胺基酸成分,又以其中的麩胺酸 (Glutamic acid) 最為重要,其做為 γ-氨基丁酸的前驅物能夠刺激布氏乳桿菌中 的 GABA 轉化酶生產高濃度 GABA。在這些菌種之二階段發酵下,使得後發 酵茶飲品能夠有更高的保健價值。 在第一階段巴西蘑菇發酵過程中,發現培養基中茶粉固體存在與否會影響 GABA 產物濃度。將實驗過程中茶葉萃取液和茶粉固體分離後做為培養基使 用,其最終 GABA 產物濃度高於含茶粉固體之培養基所得產物濃度。在第二 階段布氏乳桿菌發酵過程中,試驗巴西蘑菇之存活與否對最終 GABA 產物濃 度產生影響,實驗結果為第一階段之巴西蘑菇在第二階段布氏乳桿菌發酵過程 中無論是活菌抑或是死菌其結果無明顯差異。比較以各式茶作為底物,分別為 油茶、綠茶、紅茶和烏龍茶,分別得出最終 GABA 產量為 25.94 g/L、28.62 g/L、 ii 29.18 g/L 和 29.55 g/L。若將咖啡因也考慮進來,比較每克 GABA 所含每毫克咖 啡因 (YC/G),油茶將是首選。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe culture of drinking tea originated in China, it has history of thousands of years. The influence of tea culture is not only in the Asia, but also in the Europe. In the early 17th century, the Netherlands and Portugal brought Chinese tea culture to the Western world through trade, triggering a huge wave of tea drinking. Nowadays, drinks of tea are loved by the general public, and its consumption is merely second to water. Many studies have confirmed that tea has various health effects on the human body, such as enhancing the body′s immunity and lowering cholesterol. Tea contains a large amount of polyphenolic compounds, and it makes tea have excellent antioxidant activity. γaminobutyric acid (GABA)—an amino acid that widely exists in animals and plants. It exists in the brain and nervous system in the human body. Its main function is to calm the nerves and adjust emotions. Recently, people have used GABA to improve insomnia. In this study, Agaricus blazei Murill TITC1 and Lactobacillus buchneri BCE119151 were used as our fermentation strains. Under the optimal medium conditions obtained in previous research in our laboratory, the extracts of green tea (Camellia sinensis) and oil camellia (Camellia oleifera) are used into two-stage fermentation, the purpose is to produce fermented tea with high GABA content and also to explore the operating conditions and details that affect GABA production. Agaricus blazei Murill are rich in different amino acids. One of them, glutamic acid is the most important. As a precursor of γ-aminobutyric acid, it can stimulate the glutamic acid decarboxylase, GAD in Lactobacillus buchneri to produce a lot of GABA. Under the two-stage fermentation of these strains, the fermented tea can be more beneficial for human body. During the first stage of Agaricus blazei Murill fermentation, it was found that the presence or absence of tea powder in the culture affected the GABA concentration in iv final product. During the experiment, the tea extract and tea powder were separated and only used extract into culture. The final GABA concentration of product was higher than the product that was from the culture containing tea powder. In the second stage of fermentation of Lactobacillus buchneri, whether the survival of Agaricus blazei Murill affected the concentration of final GABA products was tested. There was no significant difference in the results of the two conditions. Tried to compare with oiltea Camellia、 green tea、black tea and oolong tea for fermentation culture, finally I get the final GABA concentration for them with 25.94 g/L、28.62 g/L、29.18 g/L 和 29.55 g/L. Considering the caffeine by YC/G (Caffeine per milligram / GABA per gram), oiltea Camellia will be the best fermentation culture.en_US
DC.subjectAgaricus blazei Murrillen_US
DC.subjectLactobacillus buchnerien_US
DC.subjectCamellia oleiferaen_US
DC.subjectCamellia sinensisen_US
DC.subjectγ-Aminobutyric aciden_US
DC.title探討以Agaricus blazei Murrill、Lactobacillus buchneri二階段發酵Camellia oleifera及Camellia sinensis生產高GABA發酵茶zh_TW
DC.titleHigh GABA Fermented Tea of Camellia sinensis and Camellia oleifera by Lactobacillus buchneri and Agaricus blazei Murill using Two-Stage Fermentationen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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