博碩士論文 110324080 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYun-Chiung Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在本研究中,我們首度導入銅/銀金屬催化蝕刻法在(001)矽單晶晶片上製備微米尺度之倒金字塔型結構,並在其結構表面製備準直矽奈米線陣列,形成大面積且具矽單晶奈米線/倒金字塔雙尺度結構,我們保留矽單晶奈米線底部之銀顆粒,接著再以無電鍍技術在矽奈米線上披覆銀金屬奈米顆粒,藉由表面電漿共振效應以及微奈米結構優異的高光捕獲率和大比表面積來增進可見光及紅外光之吸收率。由光學性質量測結果證實此結構於可見光至近紅外光波段(400-1650 nm)皆具有優異的寬波段光吸收特性,而以940 nm之近紅外光波段進行光感測性質之結果更進一步指出,本實驗所製備之新穎矽基光感測器可在不施加額外電壓下展現出優異的近紅外光響應度、高靈敏度、高穩定度及快速的響應恢復時間等特性。 接著為了製備出超薄可撓曲感光元件,本研究成功調配銅金屬催化蝕刻配方,在薄化試片的同時亦在表面製備出凹槽型結構,套用上述之製程技術,成功製備出超薄銀/矽蕭基接面光感測元件,相信本研究所開發簡單、快速之新穎銅/銀金屬催化蝕刻法之微奈米異質結構及無電鍍技術,對研發各種先進矽基光電元件及寬帶光感測器將能提供新製程設計及技術優化之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractInfrared detectors are commonly applied in various fields, such as security monitoring, biometric identification, and digital healthcare. Silicon is the most commonly used material in optical sensors, and fabrication of rough structures and nanowires on Si are known to increase the light trapping ability of visible light. However, the bandgap limitation of silicon at 1.12 eV makes it unable to effectively absorb infrared light. In order to overcome this shortcoming, this study introduced the copper/silver metal-assisted chemical etching method for the first time to prepare a micron-scale inverted-pyramid structure, followed by the fabrication of straight silicon nanowires (SiNWs) on the surface of the structure, forming an extensive SiNWs/inverted-pyramid dual-scale structure. Then, Ag nanoparticles (AgNPs) are deposited on the SiNWs using a non-electroplating technique, improving the absorption efficiency of visible and infrared light through surface plasmon resonance effects, the high light-trapping efficiency and large specific surface area of the nano-microstructure. The results of UV-Vis and NIR spectroscopic measurements confirmed that the structure has broadband light absorption characteristics from the visible to near-infrared region (400-1600 nm). Moreover, the results of photo-sensing properties at 940 nm near-infrared light further indicate that our novel silicon photodetector exhibits high near-infrared photo responsivity, good stability, and fast response and recovery time without applying additional voltage. In order to fabricate ultra-thin and flexible photodetector, this study successfully formulated a copper metal-assisted-etching solution and simultaneously created grooved structures on the silicon surface while thinning the samples. By applying the aforementioned fabrication techniques, ultra-thin silver/silicon Schottky junction photodetectors were successfully developed. It is believed that the simple and original copper/silver metal-assisted chemical etching method of dual-scale structures and electroless plating technology developed in this study can provide a reference for new process design and technology optimization for the development of various advanced silicon-based optoelectronic devices and broadband photodetectors. en_US
DC.title銅/銀金屬催化蝕刻法製備可撓曲矽晶微米洞/ 奈米線異質結構及自驅動近紅外光感測之研究zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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