博碩士論文 110324092 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTzu-Hsiu Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract骨關節炎是世界上最常見的一種關節炎,發生原因是關節內軟骨磨損、退化及脫水,又稱為退化性關節炎。每個人都有可能患病,隨著年紀越來越大,患上骨關節炎的情況會更常見。使得人們更早開始注重身體健康,導致全球保健營養食品的市場需求逐漸增加。 裂褶菌為一種食藥用菇類,而裂褶菌於液態發酵時產生的胞外多醣,稱為裂褶菌多醣。葡萄糖胺是一種多醣體的組成成分,也是我們人體關節組成中的重要成分,又稱為胺基葡萄糖。葡萄糖胺經常被用於骨關節炎的膳食輔助治療,目前普遍認為補充葡萄糖胺可以潤滑關節,幫助修復軟骨,且增加軟骨生成。 綜合上述優點,為了有效增加葡萄糖胺的產量,並縮短生產時間,採用的菌株為裂褶菌 (Schizophyllum commune BCRC 37951),經研究證實麩胺酸能有效提供一些微生物能量以利於菌體生長,因此本研究選擇添加麩胺酸,並探討各發酵條件-麩胺酸添加量、不同碳源、起始pH值以及發酵溫度,並依菌種生長活性、葡萄糖胺產量以及抗氧化活性等參數進行最適化討論。 本研究成功以最適化發酵條件-添加0.3%麩胺酸、3%果糖、起始pH值4.5及發酵溫度25℃,在發酵後達到Glucosamine產量896.22 mg/L、總多酚含量2038.87 mg GA/L,以及DPPH自由基清除能力80.5%。綜合以上結果,Schizophyllum commune BCRC 37951菌種結合麩胺酸進行發酵,可提升葡萄糖胺的產量,因此在保健營養食品的開發上具有很大的潛力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOsteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis in the world. It occurs due to the wear, degeneration, and dehydration of cartilage in the joints. Anyone can get the disease, and osteoarthritis becomes more common as you get older. It makes people pay attention to their health earlier, leading to a gradual increase in the global market demand for dietary supplements. Schizophyllum is a kind of edible and medicinal mushroom, and the exopolysaccharide produced by Schizophyllum during liquid fermentation is called schizophyllan. Glucosamine is a component of polysaccharides and an important component in the composition of human joints. Glucosamine is often used as a dietary supplement for osteoarthritis. It is believed that supplementing with glucosamine can lubricate joints, repair cartilage, and increase cartilage production. Based on the above advantages, in order to effectively increase the production of glucosamine and shorten the production time, the strain used is Schizophyllum commune BCRC 37951. Studies have confirmed that glutamic acid can effectively provide energy to some microorganisms to facilitate the growth of the bacteria. Therefore, this study chose to add glutamic acid, and explored various fermentation conditions ― the amount of glutamic acid added, different carbon sources, initial pH value, and fermentation temperature. Optimal conditions were carried out according to the parameters of bacterial growth activity, glucosamine production and antioxidant activity. In this study, the optimal conditions were added ― 0.3% glutamic acid, 3% fructose, initial pH value 4.5 and fermentation temperature 25°C. Under these conditions, Schizophyllum commune BCRC 37951 showed 896.22 mg/L glucosamine, 2038.87 mg GA/L TPC, and 80.5% DPPH scavenging activity.en_US
DC.subjectSchizophyllum communeen_US
DC.title探討麩胺酸的添加對Schizophyllum commune BCRC 37951發酵生產葡萄糖胺與抗氧化活性之影響zh_TW
DC.titleEffects of glutamic acid addition on the glucosamine production and antioxidant activity of Schizophyllum commune BCRC 37951en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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