DC 欄位 值 語言 DC.contributor 環境工程研究所 zh_TW DC.creator 林依萱 zh_TW DC.creator Yi-Hsuan Lin en_US dc.date.accessioned 2023-6-20T07:39:07Z dc.date.available 2023-6-20T07:39:07Z dc.date.issued 2023 dc.identifier.uri http://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:444/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN=110326024 dc.contributor.department 環境工程研究所 zh_TW DC.description 國立中央大學 zh_TW DC.description National Central University en_US dc.description.abstract 磷是生命中必要的元素,然而磷礦(Phosphate rock, PR)卻是一種有限且不可再生的重要礦產資源。隨著科技日益進步與人口逐年增長,磷資源的開採與應用也隨之增加,過去數據統計約80%的磷礦資源被運用於肥料與清潔劑上。然而,過量的磷排放至環境水體中容易導致水體優養化。因此,本研究首先利用微藻從豬場廢水中回收磷,然後使用磷酸轉移酶級聯生成不溶性和均質的長鏈聚磷酸鹽(polyphosphate, polyP)。polyP功能因鏈長而異,短鏈polyP(10–100-mer)可促進傷口癒合並促進骨再生;中鏈polyP(100–300-mer)具有抗菌特性(例如:M. tuberculosis)及抗病毒作用(例如:Covid);另一方面,長鏈polyP(300–1,300-mer)可用於製造人工骨縫線,促進骨礦化,polyP具有生物醫學材料之高經濟價值。我們成功地從微藻中萃取了不同長度的polyP,然後將萃取的polyP分別通過聚磷酸激酶和肌酸激酶轉化為不溶性和均質的長鏈polyP。由此產生的不溶性polyP顆粒可以藉由過濾純化。最後,透過95℃非生物水解方式縮短長鏈polyP,以達到控制生成特定長度polyP之目的。本研究成功以酵素法萃煉微藻為高價值且均質的polyP,這是一種新型循環P生物經濟模型,該模型成功地將生物質廢物轉化為高價值的生物醫學材料。本研究不僅符合聯合國提出永續發展目標中的第6項「淨水及衛生」、第9項「工業化、創新及基礎建設」第12項「責任消費及生產」,也能解決磷礦資源不足及水體優養化等環境問題。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract Phosphorus is an essential component of cells. The availability of phosphate rock, the primary source of phosphorus, is limited and non-renewable. In the past few decades, most phosphorus resources were used to generate fertilizers and cleaning agents. However, improper discharge of phosphorus led to the accumulation of phosphorus and eutrophication in aquatic environments. Therefore, this study first harnessed microalgae to recover phosphorus from piggery wastewater, and then generated insoluble and homogeneous long-chain polyphosphate (polyP) using a streamlined phosphotransferase cascade. The polyP function varies depending on the chain length. Short‐chain polyP (10–100-mer) enhances the healing of wounds and promotes bone regeneration. Mid‐chain polyP (100–300-mer) possesses antimicrobial properties (e.g., M. tuberculosis) and exhibits antiviral effects (e.g., Covid). On the other hand, long‐chain polyP (300–1,300-mer) is useful for creating artificial bone stitches, promoting bone mineralization, and has greater economic and practical value compared to crystals. We successfully extracted polyP mixtures with varying lengths from microalgae, and the extracted polyP mixture was then converted into insoluble and homogenous long-chain polyP by polyphosphate kinase and creatine kinase, respectively. The resulting insoluble polyP particles can be purified in a one-step filtration. Finally, abiotic hydrolysis at 95℃ was used to shorten the length of the polyP, allowing the production of homogenous polyP in different lengths. Altogether, this study reports a novel circular P bioeconomy model that successfully valorizes biomass wastes into high-value biomedical materials. en_US DC.subject 微藻 zh_TW DC.subject 循環生物經濟 zh_TW DC.subject 聚磷酸鹽 zh_TW DC.subject 聚磷酸酶 zh_TW DC.subject 肌酸 zh_TW DC.subject 磷酸肌酸 zh_TW DC.subject 肌酸激酶 zh_TW DC.subject microalgae en_US DC.subject circular bioeconomy en_US DC.subject polyphosphate en_US DC.subject polyphosphate kinase en_US DC.subject creatine en_US DC.subject creatine phosphate en_US DC.subject creatine kinase en_US DC.title 以酵素法萃煉微藻污泥之長鏈均質聚磷酸鹽 zh_TW dc.language.iso zh-TW zh-TW DC.title Cell-free enzymatic synthesis of insoluble and homogeneous long‐chain polyphosphate from microalgal biomass en_US DC.type 博碩士論文 zh_TW DC.type thesis en_US DC.publisher National Central University en_US