博碩士論文 110352011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJhih-Nan Jiangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要探討道路鋪面老化、破壞問題,原因常與表面瀝青膠泥老化 減少或失去膠結能力有具體關聯性,這意謂鋪面瀝青膠泥含量為道路鋪面 關鍵,含量多寡將造成鋪面對於反射光源有不同程度效果。 瀝青混凝土鋪面材料組成,大宗材料為粒料(粗、細)、瀝青膠泥;各 種材料本身具有不同輝度特性,粒料多為天然礦石級配,對於其磨損前後, 輝度基本上無太大差異性;然而瀝青膠泥減量與劣化就會對輝度有明顯差 異,依此差異分析為本研究主要內容。同樣配比設計但不同材齡的鋪面,輝 度值亦會有不同,本研究探討其關聯性及思考後續如何運用。 對於關聯性及後續如何運用,本研究以檢測路段使用年限,界定以 7 年 為限,同時搭配路燈燈具光衰 7 年生命週期,作為統一年限。探討以逾 7 年 路段鋪面與新築鋪面差異分析,未滿 7 年但相差 2.5 年、5 年等路段分析, 同時考量使用性交通量,綜合評估分析。 另目前桃園市已全面完成智能路燈更換,智能路燈顧名思義能夠自動 感應或設定控制其光源,可控制的【照度】,經鋪面反射後【輝度】分析, 統計資料數值分析,比對道路鋪面狀況指標【PCI】以期回饋能作為後續道 路鋪面維護評估量值,亦探討減少路燈燈光輸出,以達節能減碳之效益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study primarily investigates the aging and deterioration issues of road pavement, which are often closely related to the aging and reduced or lost bonding capacity of the surface asphalt binder. This means that the asphalt binder content is crucial for road pavement, and its quantity will have different effects on the reflection of light sources. The composition of asphalt concrete pavement materials mainly consists of aggregates (coarse and fine) and asphalt binder. Each material has different brightness characteristics. Aggregates are mostly naturally occurring mineral aggregates, and their brightness remains relatively consist even after wear. However, the reduction and deterioration of the asphalt binder will result in noticeable differences in brightness. This difference analysis based on brightness is the main focus of this study. The study also investigates the correlation and considers how to apply the findings subsequently. In terms of correlation and subsequent application, this study sets a limit of 7 years based on the service life of the tested road sections, combined with a 7- year lifecycle for the light decay of street lamps as a unified timeframe. The study analyzes the differences between road pavements older than 7 years and newly constructed ones. It also analyzes road sections with a service life of less than 7 years but with a difference of 2.5 years, 5 years, and so on, taking into account traffic volume. A comprehensive evaluation and analysis are conducted. Furthermore, Taoyuan City has completed the comprehensive replacement of intelligent street lights. Intelligent street lights, as the name suggests, can automatically sense or set the control of their light sources, specifically the controllable illumination. Through brightness analysis after reflection from the iii pavement and statistical data analysis, the road conditions are compared to provide feedback that can be used for subsequent road pavement maintenance assessment.en_US
DC.subject鋪面狀況指標 PCIzh_TW
DC.subjectAsphalt pavementen_US
DC.subjectPavement Condition Index(PCI)en_US
DC.subjectIntelligent street lighten_US
DC.title道路鋪面狀況指標 PCI 與照度及輝度關係研究zh_TW
DC.titlePavement condition index- PCI between illuminance and luminance relationship researchen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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