博碩士論文 110352024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHao-Chun Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract成效式契約(Performance Based Contract, PBC)所執行的查罰 機制乃是以成效指標(Performance Indicator, PI)是判斷承攬商執行 成效的依據。PBC 於國外已行之多年,皆顯著呈現不僅能為業主降 低 10~30%成本,承攬廠商亦能獲得合理的利潤及更長的契約期限。 桃園市政府工務局自 106 年著手推動成效式契約,109 年實施 AI 智 慧巡查車自主巡查,並將數據分享至養護工程處各資訊平台。又現 今國內以成效式契約執行道路工程規模較大,尚無適合區公所管轄 道路(鄉縣道路)類型之成效式契約,故本研究以具實用價值的成 效式契約相關資料為基礎,參閱國外及桃園市工務局之青埔特區成 效式契約以歸納法擬定方針,參酌蘆竹道路及其附屬設施維護管理 工程,以延續道路工程全生命週期,進而訂定適用於桃園市區公所 道路工程中瀝青混凝土鋪面養護改良式成效式契約,期許本研究成 果能作為日後國內區公所道路養護工程推動改良式成效式契約之基 礎。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe penalty mechanism implemented in Performance Based Contracts (PBC) is based on Performance Indicators (PI) as the basis for assessing the contractor′s performance. PBC has been implemented overseas for many years, demonstrating significant cost reductions of 10- 30% for the owner and providing contractors with reasonable profits and longer contract durations. The Taoyuan City Government′s Public Works Bureau initiated the promotion of Performance Based Contracts in 2017 and implemented AI-powered inspection vehicles for inspections in 2020, sharing data with the Maintenance Engineering Department′s information platforms. Currently, larger-scale road construction projects in Taiwan are executed using Performance Based Contracts, but there is a lack of suitable contracts for road sections under the jurisdiction of district offices (township and county roads). Therefore, this study is based on practical information related to Performance Based Contracts, referencing overseas practices and the Qingpu Special Zone Performance Based Contract by the Taoyuan City Public Works Bureau, to formulate guidelines using an inductive approach. The study also considers the maintenance and management of Luzhu roads and their associated facilities to ensure the entire lifecycle of road projects, with the aim of developing an improved Performance Based Contract for asphalt concrete pavement maintenance in road projects under the jurisdiction of Taoyuan City district offices. The findings of this research are expected to serve as a foundation for future improvements in Performance Based Contracts for road maintenance projects conducted by district offices throughout Taiwan.en_US
DC.subjectAI 智慧巡查zh_TW
DC.subjectPI 值zh_TW
DC.subjectPerformance Based Contract, PBCen_US
DC.subjectAI-powered inspection vehiclesen_US
DC.subjectPerformance Indicators, PIen_US
DC.subjectInductive approachen_US
DC.titleThe Preliminary Study of Improved Performance-Based Contracten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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