博碩士論文 110353039 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJiun-Yu Tsaien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract目前工業上,為了進行X光繞射應力分析,會使用工業用六軸機械手臂進行特殊的三軸搖擺動作,然而,工業用六軸機械手臂仍存在部分缺點,且成本較高。本研究開發一款自行設計的龍門式特殊搖擺機構與控制流程,以改善使用工業用六軸機械手臂上的劣勢。 本研究的搖擺機構與工業用六軸機械手臂的設計不同,採用龍門式傳動設計,以穩固的結構為基礎,如此能有效減輕每個獨立馬達軸的負擔,並減少感應器校正。機構結合X、Y、Z線性傳動軸及Rx、Ry、Rz旋轉軸,實現六個自由度的搖擺機構;藉由結構應力分析計算,驗證了龍門式主體、傳動及旋轉軸結構的強健性。為了配合搖擺機構設計,開發了專用的六軸同步控制器,利用現有的X光繞射應力分析儀的I/O介面軟體進行整合,建立了上位系統控制介面,整合系統包括路徑規劃系統、搖擺控制系統、X光繞射應力分析儀控制系統及資料擷取分析系統,這個整合系統能夠高效便捷地滿足使用者的應用需求。 透過搭載龍門式搖擺機構的X光繞射應力分析儀,本研究對鋁合金試片進行了三軸特殊搖擺的應力量測,與無搖擺狀態下量測相比較,結果顯示使用龍門式搖擺機構可以顯著提升德拜謝樂環的完整度。此外,相較於無搖擺狀態下,所測得的應力值標準差明顯降低了約58.97%。因此,本研究所開發的龍門式搖擺機構有效提升了X光繞射應力分析儀在實際應用中的可靠性,可成為工業用六軸機械手臂的一種高信價比的替代方案。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIndustrial six-axis robotic arms are commonly used for X-ray diffraction (XRD) stress analyzer, requiring special three-axis oscillation motion. However, the robotic arms have certain drawbacks and high cost. In this study, a gantry-style oscillation mechanism and control process was developed to address the limitations of robotic arms. The oscillation mechanism developed in this study differs from the design of industrial six-axis robotic arms. It utilizes a gantry-style transmission design based on a robust structure. This design effectively reduces the load on each independent motor axis and minimizes sensor calibration requirements. The mechanism combines X, Y, Z linear drive axes with Rx, Ry, Rz rotational axes, achieving a six-degree-of-freedom oscillation mechanism. Through structural stress analysis, the stability of the gantry-style body, transmission, and rotational axes of the mechanism was verified.To complement the oscillation mechanism design, a six-axis synchronized controller was also developed. Integration with the existing I/O interface software of the XRD stress analyzer was achieved, establishing an upper-level system control interface. The integrated system includes a path planning system, oscillation control system, XRD stress analyzer control system, and data acquisition and analysis system. This integrated system efficiently and conveniently meets the application requirements of users. Through an XRD stress analyzer equipped with the gantry-style oscillation mechanism, three-axis special oscillation measurements were conducted on an aluminum alloy specimen. A comparison with measurements under no oscillation condition revealed that the use of the gantry-style oscillation mechanism significantly improved the quality of the Debyer-Scherrer ring. Furthermore, compared to measurements without oscillation, the standard deviation of the measured stress values decreased by approximately 58.97%. Therefore, the developed gantry-style oscillation mechanism effectively enhances the reliability of XRD stress analyzers in practical applications and could serve as an alternative to industrial six-axis robotic arms.en_US
DC.subjectX-ray diffraction stress analyzeren_US
DC.subjectIndustrial six-axis robotic armsen_US
DC.subjectthe gantry-style oscillation mechanismen_US
DC.subjectDebyer-Scherrer ringen_US
DC.titleApplication of Six-axis Gantry Oscillation Mechanism on X-ray Diffractometeren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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