博碩士論文 110355011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 鋼構橋樑構腐蝕程度也因所處環境而不同,為考量鋼構橋樑本身結構安全或現有鋼構橋樑後續維修成效及未來新建鋼構橋樑塔之防蝕設計,了解影響鋼構橋樑防蝕能力之程度及防蝕管理對策為設計及維修之重要課題。本研究旨在研究影響鋼構橋樑腐蝕性的要素指標,並進行分析,整理出研究的構面。透過問卷調查和收集回饋意見,以AHP層級分析法計算各評估要素的相對權重和重要性排序。以下為本研究的主要研究成果。 一、專家問卷之鋼構橋樑腐蝕性關鍵的影響因子構面,包括:「品質」、「安全」、「成本」、「進度」、「風險」等五大構面。 二、整體構面之權重分析結果,環境條件構面權重值0.248,排序第一,腐蝕控制方式構面權重值0.164排序2,塗料防腐性構面權重值0.158排序3,材料條件構面權重值0.15排序4,維護方式構面權重值0.143排序5,腐蝕速度構面權重值0.138排序6。 三、跨構面權重分析結構面權重值彙總表,本研究依整體權重排序進行整體排序。可以看出在評估準則權重部份以濕度為第一,達0.087,地理位置為次之,達0.08,陰極保護系統為第三,達0.058,而構材接合方式及構材形狀為最低(第24),僅0.011。 關鍵字:鋼構橋梁、腐蝕性指標、層級分析法zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract The degree of corrosion of steel structure bridge beams also varies depending on the environment. To investigate the structural safety of steel structure bridges or the effectiveness of subsequent maintenance of existing steel structure bridges, as well as the corrosion prevention design of new steel structure bridge towers in the future, understanding the degree of impact on the corrosion prevention ability of steel structure bridges and corrosion prevention management strategies is an important issue for design and maintenance. This study explores and analyzes the factors and indicators that are considered when affecting the corrosion of steel bridges, and organizes the aspects of this study. Through the distribution and recovery of questionnaires, the valuable opinions of the interviewees are compiled, and the AHP hierarchical analysis method is adopted. Calculate the relative weight and importance ranking of each evaluation factor. The research results related to this study are excerpted below. 1. Expert questionnaire on the evaluation aspects of the formwork support construction method for high-ceiling floors in technology factories, including five major aspects: "quality", "safety", "cost", "progress", and "risk". 2. The weight analysis results of the overall facets: the environmental condition facet has a weight value of 0.248, ranking first, the corrosion control mode facet has a weight value of 0.164, ranking 2, the paint anticorrosion facet has a weight value of 0.158, ranking 3, and the material condition facet has a weight value of 0.164, ranking 2 0.15 ranks 4, the maintenance method facet weight value 0.143 ranks 5, the corrosion speed facet weight value 0.138 ranks 6. 3. Cross-facet weight analysis: Summary table of structural facet weight values. This study conducts overall ranking based on overall weight ranking. It can be seen that in the weight part of the evaluation criteria, humidity is ranked first, reaching 0.087, geographical location is second, reaching 0.08, cathodic protection system is third, reaching 0.058, and member joint method and member shape are the lowest (No. 24), only 0.011. Keywords: steel bridge, corrosion index, analytic hierarchy processen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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