博碩士論文 110423056 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract面對日趨激烈的社群商務市場環境,個人賣家如何維繫與顧客之間的關係無疑成為 其塑造競爭優勢的來源。目前文獻主要著重討論品牌對消費者之社群顧客關係管理為主, 甚少研究探討消費者對消費者交易範疇內,個人賣家的社群商務顧客關係管理能力。同 時,顧客的購買後行為亦是個人賣家需要關注的,特別是許多學者提出顧客購買後階段 的重要性。然而,既有研究大多將個體之角色內與角色外行為分開討論,卻忽略兩者可 能存在的潛在影響關係。為彌補上述缺口,本研究欲聚焦社群商務之購買後階段,探討 個體之角色內行為(顧客參與)如何影響其角色外行為(顧客公民行為)。再者,我們納 入社群商務顧客關係管理能力於前述關係中所扮演之調節效果。此外,為探究形塑賣家 能力的重要前置因素,我們以信號理論為基礎,提出以直接互動為基礎(即賣家專業度、 關係型顧客導向)與以間接互動為基礎(即賣家貼文熱門度、賣家貼文吸引力)的信號 因素。 本研究採用便利抽樣法,透過電子問卷的方式來蒐集樣本資料,最終以 451 筆有效 樣本進行結構方程模式的分析。研究結果顯示顧客參與會正向且顯著地影響顧客公民行 為。同時,社群商務顧客關係管理能力對顧客參與與顧客公民行為產生正向且顯著的調 節關係。此外,顧客知覺賣家專業度、關係型顧客導向、貼文熱門度、貼文吸引力皆會 影響他們對於個人賣家之社群商務顧客關係管理能力的看法。最後,本研究於學術上為 社群商務與顧客關係管理領域帶來不同的見解和貢獻,同時也在實務上為個人賣家提出 實際作法與策略上的建議,期望於銷售與策略制定上帶來參考依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFacing the increasingly fierce social commerce market environment, how individual sellers maintain relationships with customers undoubtedly becomes a source of their competitive advantage. Current literature mainly focuses on the social customer relationship management of brands to consumers, with little research on the social commerce customer relationship management capabilities of individual sellers within the scope of consumer-toconsumer transactions. At the same time, the behavior of customers after purchasing is also something that individual sellers need to pay attention to, especially as many scholars have pointed out the importance of the post-purchase stage of customers. However, existing research often discusses in-role and extra-role behaviors separately, neglecting the potential influence relationship between the two. To fill these gaps, this study focuses on the post-purchase stage of social commerce, exploring how the in-role behavior (customer participation) of individuals affects their extra-role behavior (customer citizenship behavior). In addition, we incorporate the moderating effect of social commerce customer relationship management capability in the aforementioned relationship. Furthermore, in order to explore the important antecedents shaping the seller’s capabilities, we propose signal factors based on direct interaction (i.e., professionalism, relational customer orientation) and indirect interaction (i.e., popularity of seller’s posts, attractiveness of seller’s posts) based on signaling theory. This study employs a convenience sampling method, gathering data via electronic questionnaires, and ultimately uses 451 valid samples for structural equation model analysis. The results indicate that customer participation has a positive and significant impact on customer citizenship behavior. Simultaneously, social commerce customer relationship management capability exhibits a positive and significant moderating effect on the relationship between customer participation and customer citizenship behavior. Furthermore, a customer′s perception of the seller’s professionalism, relational customer orientation, post popularity, and iii post attractiveness all influence their views on the social commerce customer relationship management capabilities of individual sellers. Ultimately, this study offers unique insights and contributions to the fields of social commerce and customer relationship management from an academic perspective. It also presents practical methods and strategic suggestions for individual sellers, intending to provide a reference for sales and strategy formulation.en_US
DC.subjectSocial commerceen_US
DC.subjectIndividual sellersen_US
DC.subjectCustomer relationship managementen_US
DC.subjectCustomer participationen_US
DC.subjectCustomer citizenship behavioren_US
DC.subjectSignaling theoryen_US
DC.title探討顧客購買後之角色內到角色外行為: 社群商務顧客關係管理能力的調節效果zh_TW
DC.titleInvestigating post-purchase in-role and extra-role behaviors: The moderating effect of social commerce customer relationship management capabilityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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