博碩士論文 110423079 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorZhi-Rong Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,網際網路的蓬勃發展,使得越來越多人在網路上進行文學創作,因而誕生了網路文學產業。本研究觀察了現今網路文學產業發展以及現況,發現作者、讀者與平台之間的創作環境,有著短處與可改善之空間。有鑒於此,本研究提出了一個研究問題:如何提升網路文學創作動力及獲利,並改善現存的網路文學創作環境之缺口。同時,本研究透過觀察發現現今的網路文學平台中,未有一個讓讀者能夠實際參與到文學創作中的機制與措施。若能有新的創作模式以及相應的鼓勵措施,鼓勵讀者們積極參與到創作中,帶動作品的討論熱潮,本研究認為對於網路文學產業的發展,將更加蓬勃發展,並且提升大眾對於網路文學創作的熱忱。 本研究提出了一個網路文學創作模式,期望此模式能夠提升網路文學的創作動力以及獲利,並改善現存的網路文學創作環境之缺口。實務上,本研究利用區塊鏈技術作為技術底層,期望透過區塊鏈特性,避免創作者被中心化的機構限制,這些限制包含了文學版權由中心化機構持有,自由創作限制等問題。 本研究所提出之文學創作思維,基於互補性思考、競合策略以及作者之死等理論,建構出一套實際可運行的文學創作模式。此模式的設計初衷便是期望透過讀者加入到作品的創作中,使得文學能夠共同創作並產生正和競爭。共同創作將會使得每位作者以各自的獨特之處進行創作,合力將餅作大,獲取更多利潤及讀者。同時藉由正和競爭之思維,提升大眾對於文學創作的熱忱,促進網路文學產業之發展。 本研究認為,所提出之文學創作模式核心價值在於提出一個網路文學創作新思維,以及提出一個改善現存網路文學創作環境缺口之方法。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the rapid development of the Internet has led to an increasing number of people engaging in literary creation online, giving rise to the online literature industry. This study examines the current development and status of the online literature industry and identifies shortcomings and areas for improvement in the creative environment among authors, readers, and platforms. In light of these observations, the study poses a research question: How can we enhance motivation and profitability in online literature creation while addressing the gaps in the existing online literary environment? Furthermore, the study finds that current online literature platforms lack mechanisms and measures that allow readers to actively participate in literary creation. If new creative models and corresponding incentives can be established to encourage readers to actively engage in the creative process and stimulate discussions around literary works, this research believes that the online literature industry will experience further robust growth and increase public enthusiasm for online literary creation. This study proposes an online literature creation model with the aim of enhancing motivation and profitability in online literature, while addressing the gaps in the existing online literary environment. In practical terms, this study utilizes blockchain technology as the underlying technical framework, seeking to avoid limitations imposed on authors by centralized institutions. These limitations include issues such as centralized institutions holding literary copyrights and restrictions on freedom of creation. Based on theories of complementary thinking, competitive strategy, and the "death of the author," this study constructs a practical and operational literature creation model. The design of this model is intended to encourage reader participation in the creative process, enabling literature to be collectively created and fostering positive competition. Through collective creation, each author can contribute their unique perspectives, resulting in a larger collective output, greater profits, and a larger reader base. Simultaneously, by fostering a mindset of positive competition, the model aims to increase public enthusiasm for literary creation and promote the development of the online literature industry. This study believes that the core value of the proposed literature creation model lies in presenting a new way of thinking about online literary creation and offering a method to address the existing gaps in the online literary environment.en_US
DC.subjectOnline Literatureen_US
DC.subjectCollaborative Writingen_US
DC.subjectComplementary thinkingen_US
DC.subjectCompetitive Strategyen_US
DC.titleA Preliminary Study on the Motivation and Profitability of Online Literature Creation: A Decentralized Collaborative Writing Prototype Systemen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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