博碩士論文 110426022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Ting Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在本研究中的個案公司為食品加工廠且產品種類多樣,多達95種,而需求高的同時,在管理方面更是顯得重要,必須考量到每項產品的品質穩定度、成本、交貨前置時間、庫存數等等多項因素,同時達到客戶對於產品信任滿足客戶的需求,因此想藉由價值流圖(Value Stream Mapping, VSM )分析整個製程,從供應商端開始、生產製程到客戶,以全面性的角度進行改善、尋找其中的問題點,以及減少過程中的浪費,將產線製程進行優化、提升生產的效率以及縮短交貨的前置時間等等,同時利用模擬軟體Flexsim建立目前產線的模型,並利用分析後所輸出的圖表與數據,作為分析產線現況的參考依據之一,並針對問題提出改善的對策,同時以個案公司其中兩個月份的OEE(Overall Equipment Effectiveness,為設備總體效能)做為改善的衡量,來制定改善的目標,透過未來理想狀態價值流圖初步檢視改善的效益,並建立未來改善模擬的模型,檢視改善後的效益是否有達成預期改善的成果,以及改善前後的比較,同時將所有改善進行三個項目的權重評比,分別是OEE的損失項目、OEE改善幅度以及成本,給予改善項目綜合性的評比分數,選出前三項改善成本較低且帶來效益較大的改善,最後將整個流程與改善的方案提供給U公司參考,協助個案公司在進行製程上的改善與精進的方向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe case company in this study is a food processing factory with a variety of products, as many as 95 types. While the demand is high,the management will become more important ,and the product quality, cost,and and delivery time of each product must be consider more seriously, even in achieving customer trust and meet the customer needs, Therefore I expect to use value stream mapping (value stream mapping, VSM) to analyze the entire process, starting from the supplier, the production process to the customer, improve from a comprehensive perspective, to find out the problem points, and reduce waste in the process, optimize the production lprocess, promote production efficiency, and reduce the lead time of delivery, etc.,then use the simulation software Flexsim to establish the model of the current production line,use the charts and data output from the Flexsim as one of the references for analyzing the current situation of the production line,and use the company current OEE two as an value refer to set improvement goals, the benefits of improvement are initially checked through from the future value stream mapping,then establish 7future improvement simulation model, checks whether the improved benefits have achieved the expected improvement or not, and also compares the improvement of before and after, At the same time, all improvements are evaluated in three items, which are OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness, which is the overall equipment effectiveness) loss items, improvement range and cost, and the improvement items will be given a comprehensive evaluation score, The first three improvements are selected with lower cost and bring greater benefits,then finally provides the entire process and improvement plan to U company for reference, assisting the company in process improvement and refinement direction.en_US
DC.subjectValue stream mappingen_US
DC.subjectSystem Simulationen_US
DC.subjectLean Productionen_US
DC.title應用價值流圖與Flexsim模擬軟體於 製程管理之改善—以U公司為例zh_TW
DC.titleApplying Value Stream Mapping and Flexsim Simulation for Process Improvement— A Case Study of Company Uen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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