博碩士論文 110427010 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorZhi-Jun LINen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著職場中不同世代的更迭,工作者對於工作場域的型態和工作內容上的心態也不斷地在改變。安靜離職可能成為組織中一種隱性的問題,提醒企業更加重視員工的情感和需求,並與員工建立良好的溝通關係,以避免員工默默地將生活重心離開公司。領導者的角色在於促進員工對工作的投入和對組織的參與度,以提升企業績效,實現員工和企業的雙贏狀態。 本研究以組織公平 (Organizational justice) 的三個構面:分配公平 (Distributive justice)、程序公平 (Procedural justice)、互動公平 (Interactional justice) 為研究主題,探討其對於員工安靜離職傾向 (Quiet quitting) 的影響,並以領導成員交換關係 (Leader-Member Exchange, LMX) 為中介變項,過程以隨機抽樣的方式針對臺灣從業人員進行問卷調查,共計回收 372 份有效問卷。研究結果發現:(1) 分配公平對於安靜離職傾向無顯著負向影響;(2) 程序公平對於安靜離職傾向無顯著負向影響;(3) 互動公平對於安靜離職傾向無顯著負向影響;(4) 分配公平對於領導成員交換關係具有正向影響;(5) 程序公平對於領導成員交換關係具有正向影響;(6) 互動公平對於領導成員交換關係具有正向影響;(7) 領導成員交換關係對於安靜離職傾向具有負向影響;(8) 組織公平 (程序公平、分配公平、互動公平) 對於安靜離職傾向具有負向影響,而在其中領導成員交換關係具有間接中介效果。 由於安靜離職傾向是近期才被廣為討論的現象,過去相關研究文獻數量較少,透過本研究討論安靜離職傾向是否受組織公平所影響,並探討領導成員交換關係在其中的效果,讓組織在預防及改善安靜離職現象時能有參考依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the succession of different generations in the workplace, workers′ attitudes about the nature of the work environment and the content of their jobs are constantly changing. Quiet quitting can be an implicit issue within an organization, emphasizing the need for companies to prioritize the emotions and conditions of their employees, and establish excellent communication and relationships with them, in order to prevent employees be quiet quitting in the organization. The role of leaders needs to promote employee engagement and organizational involvement, aiming to enhance business performance and achieve a win-win situation for both employees and company. This study focuses on the topic of organizational justice, including distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice, and examines their impact on quiet quitting, with the leader-member exchange as a mediator. The research objects are the people who have work experience in Taiwan. A total of 372 valid questionnaires were collected. The results of the study found that: (1) distributive justice not has a significant negative impact on quiet quitting; (2) procedural justice not has a significant negative impact on quiet quitting; (3) interactional justice not has a significant negative impact on quiet quitting; (4) distributive justice has a positive impact on leader-member exchange; (5) procedural justice has a positive impact on leader-member exchange; (6) interactional justice has a positive impact on leader-member exchange; (7) leader-member exchange has a negative impact on quiet quitting; (8) leader-member exchange has indirect mediation effect between organizational justice (including distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice) and quiet quitting. As quiet quitting is a relatively recent phenomenon that has been attention in recent years, the literature on related research is limited. This thesis discusses quiet quitting whether it is influenced by organizational justice and leader-member exchange, in order to help companies prevent and address the issue of quiet quitting.en_US
DC.subjectOrganizational justiceen_US
DC.subjectDistributive justiceen_US
DC.subjectProcedural justiceen_US
DC.subjectInteractional justiceen_US
DC.subjectLeader-member exchangeen_US
DC.subjectQuiet quittingen_US
DC.title組織公平對安靜離職傾向之影響 -以領導成員交換關係為中介變項zh_TW
DC.titleThe impact of organizational justice and quiet quitting:leader-member exchange as the Mediatoren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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