博碩士論文 110450044 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Fen Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討個案公司作為高科技產業中的物料採購模式。光電產業在全球節能減碳趨勢下具有相當的競爭優勢,尤其是在LED領域。然而該產業面臨品質提升、成本降低和競爭力提升等重要課題,目前在國內LED封裝行業中,個案公司是最大的專業廠商。擁有完整的產品線,產品品質優於同行業者。個案公司營業收入和毛利率表現出色且穩定,超越了其他競爭對手,個案公司所在乎的關鍵指標為存貨週轉天數,目標為35天以下,所以本研究分析個案公司的物料採購策略為個案,並提出相關改善建議以達到個案公司降低庫存和存貨週轉天數的目標。探討其採用價格採購模式,以採購最便宜能用的物料為首要原則,加上每年採購成本降價目標為9%。由於以價格為考量,公司常常更換供應商使用替代物料以降低成本。然而,這種採購方式也帶來了一些問題。例如物料供應的不穩定性、呆滯庫存比例較高以及各廠各自採購無法發揮綜效等。 晶片、PCB、螢光粉和膠材為個案公司的主要物料。基於以上研究目的,針對不同物料特性分別採用建議集權採購和分權採購、價格採購模式和JIT採購模式、不同存量管制模式再訂購法、訂單批量法和物料需求計劃法、並從庫存管理方面和供應商管理方面進行優化方析。強調與供應商建立長期合作關係有助於建立互信、共享資訊和技術,進一步提升物料品質、物料供應穩定性和降低個案公司廠內庫存以達到公司目標達交率,採購成本降低和存貨週轉天數。 物料採購的重要性體現在成本控制、供應鏈管理、品質控制和供應商關係管理等多個方面。企業需要重視物料採購策略的制定和執行,以確保物料的高質量、低成本和及時供應,從而提升企業的競爭力。 綜上所述,物料採購模式對個案公司的發展至關重要。這些改善建議和措施將能有助於個案公司在高科技產業中取得更好的發展與經營效益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study examines the use of a price-based procurement model, prioritizing the purchase of the cheapest usable materials, with an annual target of 9% reduction in procurement costs. Due to consideration of price, the company often changes suppliers and uses alternative materials to lower costs. However, this procurement approach also brings about some issues, such as material supply instability, high stagnant inventory ratios, and the inability to achieve procurement synergy across different factories. The main materials for the case company include chips, PCBs, phosphors, and adhesive materials. Based on the aforementioned study objectives, various procurement and inventory management strategies are proposed for different material characteristics. These strategies include centralized and decentralized procurement, price-based procurement, JIT (Just-in-Time) procurement, different inventory control model, reorder point method, order quantity method, and material requirement planning. Emphasizing long-term cooperative relationships with suppliers helps establish mutual trust, information sharing, and technology exchange, thereby further enhancing material quality, supply stability, and reducing in-house inventory to achieve the company′s goals in delivery rate, procurement cost reduction, and inventory turnover days. The importance of material procurement is reflected in cost control, supply chain management, quality control, supplier relationship management, and many aspects. Companies need to prioritize the formulation and implementation of material procurement strategies to ensure high-quality, cost-effective, and timely supply of materials, in order to increase their competitiveness. In conclusion, the material procurement model is crucial for the development of the case company. These suggestions and improvements can benefit the case company′s development and operational effectiveness in the high-tech industry.en_US
DC.subjecthigh-tech industryen_US
DC.subjectprocurement modelen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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