博碩士論文 110450046 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMei-I Kaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在台灣市場上,一次性棉花棒雖非主力產品,但其微小的體積和價格,仍創造上億元的銷售額。本研究以S-C-P模型分析並利用市場調查數據,針對廠商提出可行的未來經營規劃和改善措施。新進入市場的廠商可參考本研究提供的完整進入說明。技術的進步提高棉花棒的品質和減少對環境的損害。 市場結構的供需分析,棉花棒產業具有低成本、低技術門檻、基礎產品需求等特點。市場存在激烈競爭和價格壓力,進入門檻低也意味著產品同質化嚴重。廠商應該注重產品差異化、品牌建立和市場定位,開發高附加價值的產品線。 政府政策對於棉花棒產業具有重要的監管和引導作用。生產廠商必須遵守本國法令規範及獲得相應的許可證照,並符合相關的法規要求和認證標準,方可進行生產和出口。消費者對於產品的安全和品質有著高度的關注,政府政策的規範和監管能夠確保消費者的權益得到保障,同時也能維護企業的形象和信譽。 台灣棉花棒市場競爭激烈,但由於消費習慣的改變和科技網絡的發展,網購比例逐漸提高,為新廠商提供進入市場的機會。然而,新廠商需要具備基本技術和生產能力,並需要具備強大的品牌建設能力,透過差異化和競爭優勢的打造,才能吸引消費者。 棉花棒市場中,市場份額較高的廠商掌握定價權力,其他競爭廠商則會參照其定價進行調整。然而,市場價格也受到生產成本、品牌知名度和市場需求等多方面因素的影響。因此,在制定最適定價時,廠商需要綜合考慮各種因素的影響,並採用適當的定價方法來提高市場競爭力和維持長期盈利。 儘管台灣廠商缺乏研發能力,仍能透過大量生產獲得微薄利潤。價格競爭導致利潤減少,市場存在價格競爭現象。經過績效分析後,可以觀察到棉花棒產業的利潤越來越少,這顯示未來市場將存在價格競爭激烈的現象。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the Taiwanese market, although disposable cotton swabs are not the main product, their small size and low price still generate sales of billions of dollars. This study analyzes the market using the S-C-P model and market research data to propose feasible future business plans and improvement measures for manufacturers. New entrants to the market can refer to the complete entry instructions provided in this study. Technological advancements have improved the quality of cotton swabs and reduced environmental damage. In the analysis of supply and demand in the market structure, the cotton swab industry has the characteristics of low cost, low technological barriers, and basic product demand. There is intense competition and price pressure in the market, and the low entry threshold also means severe product homogenization. Manufacturers should focus on product differentiation, brand building, and market positioning, and develop high-value-added product lines. Government policies have an important regulatory and guiding role in the cotton swab industry. Manufacturers must comply with national regulations and obtain corresponding licenses and certifications, and comply with relevant regulatory requirements and certification standards before production and export can take place. Consumers have a high degree of concern for product safety and quality, and government policy regulations and supervision can ensure the protection of consumer rights while also maintaining the image and reputation of businesses. Although the Taiwanese cotton swab market is fiercely competitive, changes in consumer habits and the development of technology networks have gradually increased the proportion of online shopping, providing new entrants with opportunities to enter the market. However, new manufacturers need to have basic technology and production capabilities and need to have strong brand-building capabilities to attract consumers through differentiation and competitive advantages. In the cotton swab market, manufacturers with a higher market share have pricing power, and other competing manufacturers will adjust their prices based on theirs. However, market prices are not only affected by market share and competition but also by factors such as production costs, brand awareness, and market demand. Therefore, when developing the most suitable pricing strategy, manufacturers need to comprehensively consider the impact of various factors and adopt appropriate pricing methods to improve market competitiveness and maintain long-term profitability. Despite the lack of R&D capabilities among Taiwanese manufacturers, they can still obtain modest profits through large-scale production. Price competition has led to reduced profits, indicating intense price competition in the market. After performance analysis, it can be observed that the profitability of the cotton swab industry is decreasing, suggesting the presence of fierce price competition in the future market.en_US
DC.subjectcotton swabsen_US
DC.subjectmarket structureen_US
DC.subjectindustry performanceen_US
DC.subjectstructure-conduct-performance (SCP) modelen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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