博碩士論文 110450060 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMing-Wei Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討一家公司在草創初期,面臨國際大廠競爭、以及半導體產業不確定性的挑戰,隨著晶圓代工產業趨勢,市場趨向大者恆大的趨勢,個案公司如何透過發現市場機會、與運用核心技能不斷成長,最終在利基市場上取得優勢,並成為年營收超過台幣百億的企業。 首先,研究將透過分析產品、服務的價值主張、目標客戶群、通路、關鍵合作夥伴、關鍵資源、核心活動、成本結構和收入模式等九個方面。同時,針對各成長階段進行產業分析,以瞭解市場需求、競爭對手、技術變革和法律規範等方面的外部潛在因素。這些分析有助於公司確認自身在產業中的定位和競爭優勢,制訂相應的策略來應對外部挑戰並且掌握機運。 其次,本研究運用資源基礎理論,來確定個案公司內部的關鍵資源。資源理論強調資源的價值、稀缺性、不易模仿性和不易替代性,個案公司能夠確認其內部資源和能力,並制定相應的戰略來提升價值、增強競爭力。個案公司運用價值–價格–成本來尋求出提升價值和降低成本的方式,是一種綜合性的管理框架,用於評估和改進價值創造過程中的關鍵要素。通過分析和優化價值主張、流程和能力,公司可以提高產品或服務的價值,同時降低相應的成本。 綜上所述,本研究基於商業模式轉變,對個案公司的成長轉型策略進行探討。運用資源理論基礎和產業環境分析的運用,有助於個案公司識別機會和威脅,發展關鍵資源,並提升價值和降低成本。研究分析結果,可以供企業發展進一步探索,運用到不同產業的個案啟示,能夠尋找自身在產業中的定位和競爭優勢,識別其內部資源和能力,並制定相應的經營策略來提升價值、增強競爭力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to explore how a company has faced challenges from international industry giants and the uncertainty of the semiconductor industry since its early startup phase. With the semiconductor foundry industry dominated by larger players, the case company managed to continuously grow by identifying market opportunities and leveraging its core competencies, ultimately gaining a competitive advantage in niche markets and becoming a company with annual revenues exceeding 10 billion New Taiwan Dollars. To understand the company’s development since it was established, the study first analyzes nine aspects, including value proposition, customer, customer segments, channels, key partnerships, key resources, cost structure, and revenue streams. Additionally, industry-specific SWOT analysis was conducted for each business transformation to understand external factors such as market demand and competition, technological changes, and legal regulations. These analyses help us to identify its position and competitive advantages within the industry and the strategies used to address external challenges and exploit opportunities. Second, this study applied the resource-based theory to identify the company’s key internal resources. The resource-based theory emphasizes the value, scarcity, inimitability, and non-substitutability of resources. By recognizing its internal resources and capabilities, the case company developed corresponding strategies to enhance its competitiveness. The study employed the VPC framework (Value, Price, Cost) to identify the ways the company increased the value it offered and reduced costs. By analyzing and optimizing value propositions, processes, and capabilities, the company enhanced the value of its products or services while simultaneously reducing costs at its different stages of transformation. In summary, this study explored the growth transformation of the case company based on the business model canvas, industry-specific SWOT analysis, resource-based theory, and the VPC framework. These analysis helps identify the opportunities and threats the company faced, its key resources developed, and value and cost-effectiveness enhanced. The findings of this study can guide the development of businesses and provide insights for different industries, enabling companies to identify their position and competitive advantages within the industry, recognize their internal resources and capabilities, and formulate corresponding business strategies to enhance value and competitiveness.en_US
DC.subjectBusiness Model Canvasen_US
DC.subjectNiche Marketsen_US
DC.subjectResource-based Theoryen_US
DC.subjectCore Competenciesen_US
DC.subjectGrowth Strategiesen_US
DC.subjectCompetitive Advantageen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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