博碩士論文 110451008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYi-Huei Linen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract在舞台特效機器市場中,主要的廠商集中在成熟的歐美國家的娛樂產業。然而,在台灣也有一家在這個產業深耕了40年的公司。這家公司以其穩定的品質和卓越的性價比,在煙霧特效機器市場上占據著重要的地位,並享譽國際。隨著產業的發展,煙霧特效市場已經逐漸飽和,個案公司也開始尋求煙霧機在其他市場上的應用可能性。此外,疫情過後市場環境也發生了很大的變化,為了滿足市場需求,個案公司必須思考如何調整組織結構,以符合策略方向並實現持續成長。 本研究以個案公司為研究對象。該公司成立於1984年,最初以為海外燈光製造大廠代工生產煙霧機起家,後發展自有品牌在亞洲市場站穩腳步,並以代理模式將產品銷售至世界各國,廣泛應用於各種娛樂場所,如環球影城、迪士尼樂園和大型演唱會等。然而,隨著煙霧機市場逐漸飽和,個案公司正在積極與不同市場的客戶合作,開發新型煙霧機,並逐步調整組織結構的計劃。本研究將運用資料收集和半結構化訪談的方法,基於組織診斷模型理論,從個案公司所處的市場環境和競爭力分析,進一步診斷組織的投入、各要素的校準情況和產出情況。根據診斷結果,提出以下建議和改善方向供個案公司參考: 1. 改變現有一人決策的組織模式,加強組織間的連結。 2. 建議可將業務部門依不同品牌特性劃分。 3. 考核系統需要與獎懲系統連結,使考核系統的結果能對組織成員有實質的激勵與鞭策效果。 4. 提高組織內的整合程度,支持研發部門技術層面的發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMajor manufacturers of stage special effects machines are primarily located in Europe and America. However, there is a Taiwanese company with 40 years of experience in this industry. This company has gained international recognition and occupies a significant position in the market for fog special effects machines, offering stable quality and excellent cost-performance value. As the industry has developed, the smoke and fog special effects market has become saturated, leading the company to explore opportunities for applying products in other markets. Furthermore, the market environment has undergone significant changes due to the pandemic. To meet market demands and ensure sustained growth, the company needs to consider adjusting its organizational structure to align with its strategic direction. This study focuses on a specific case company that founded in 1984 as an OEM manufacturer for international lighting giants to manufacture fog machines. It later established its own brand and successfully penetrated the Asian market. With a distribution business channel, the company expanded its sales globally, catering to entertainment venues like Universal Studios, Disney theme parks, and major concerts. However, faced with a saturated fog machine market, the company actively collaborated with customers in different markets to develop innovative machines and plane to embark on gradual organizational restructuring. Through data collection and semi-structured interviews, this research utilizes the organizational diagnosis model to analyze the company′s market environment, competitiveness, and evaluate various organizational elements. Based on the findings, the following recommendations are proposed: 1. Revise the current single decision-making organizational model and strengthen inter-organizational connectivity. 2. Consider segmenting the sales & marketing department based on brand characteristics. 3. Integrate the performance evaluation system with a reward and punishment mechanism to provide effective motivation for employees. 4. Foster internal integration within the organization to support the technological advancements of the research and development department.en_US
DC.subjectOrganizational diagnosis modelen_US
DC.subjectorganizational developmenten_US
DC.subjectorganizational changeen_US
DC.subjectfive forces analysisen_US
DC.titleOrganizational Diagnosis and Analysis of a SME: A Case of Company Aen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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