博碩士論文 110456002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHui-Wen Luen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract庫存金額管理一直是企業著重的管理項目之一,庫存週轉天數愈高,代表著庫存轉換速度就愈慢,企業資金的流動和經營效率就會受到影響。庫存上升積壓了企業現金的週轉還會面臨因庫存過高造成呆滯材料的問題,容易導致企業遭受損失。 本研究旨在探究如何優化入料管理方法,在滿足客戶指定的需求時間,同時避免過度採購、提早入料及不成套等問題。從多個角度切入,透過ABC分析及80/20法則,將庫存材料依價值分類,更精確地管理A類材料的入料模式,有效控制庫存金額。其次,貴重的材料採用VMI供應商庫存管理機制,當生產有需求時再進行入料,提高供應鏈及生產效率。對於低單價材料,則透過JIT入料,以避免了材料在庫的積壓問題同時也減少空間浪費。最後,運用最佳化模型考量訂單需求時間,並進行數學規劃,以選擇最佳的運輸方式和生產模式,以達到庫存金額管理的最大效益。 透過優化入料管理流程加上最佳化模型的運用,並根據生產需求量及供應商的實際交期等因素,合理規劃材料成套的入料時機,以達到客戶需求的準時出貨目標,同時有效降低庫存週轉天數,減少久未異動材料的產生,進而提升公司整體的營運效率和競爭力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractInventory management has always been one of the key management areas for businesses. The higher the inventory turnover days, the slower the inventory conversion rate, which affects the flow of funds and operational efficiency of the enterprise. Rising inventory levels can lead to the problem of stagnant materials, resulting in losses for the company. The aim of this study is to explore how to optimize the material receiving management method to meet customer-specified demand time while avoiding problems such as excessive procurement, early material receiving, and incomplete sets. From multiple perspectives, through ABC analysis and the 80/20 rule, inventory materials are classified according to their value to more accurately manage the material receiving mode of Class A materials, effectively controlling the inventory amount. Secondly, valuable materials are managed using the VMI supplier inventory management mechanism. When there is demand for production, materials are received to improve the supply chain and production efficiency. For low-priced materials, JIT material receiving is adopted to avoid the problem of material accumulation in inventory and reduce space waste. Finally, by using an optimization model to consider the order demand time and conduct mathematical planning, the best transportation method and production mode are selected to achieve the maximum benefit of inventory management. By optimizing the material receiving management process and utilizing an optimization model, the timing for the material receiving of complete sets is reasonably planned based on factors such as production demand and the actual delivery time of suppliers. This is to achieve the goal of on-time delivery of customer demand while effectively reducing inventory turnover days and reducing the occurrence of materials that have not been changed for a long time, thereby enhancing the overall operational efficiency and competitiveness of the company.en_US
DC.subjectInventory turnover daysen_US
DC.subjectstagnant inventoryen_US
DC.subjectABC analysisen_US
DC.subjectVMI supplier managementen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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