博碩士論文 110456019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYaYue Yaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,消費性電子的需求持續增加,再加上疫情影響,大家足不出戶,減少社交生活,電腦遊戲、手機遊戲、家用遊戲機需求越來越大,在電競電子(E-Sport)高速的發展下,家用遊戲機也紛紛加入了電競電子的行列,玩家對於電子產品的要求也越來越高,為了追求遊戲體驗,除了原廠配件外,許多玩家紛紛購買了電競電子廠牌的產品,市面上也出現許多副廠的家用遊戲機控制器,在眾多副廠控制器中,針對玩家對於遊戲控制器的訴求,彌補原廠控制器不足的地方,或是其他需求可增加玩家的遊戲體驗,作為核心的探討議題。 本研究透過問卷的方式,了解目前不同程度的Switch玩家對於原廠控制器Joy-Con之遊戲體驗、手感、回饋性及操控性之需求,以及其他功能或優化:例如新增連接平台(PC、手機)、降低控制器重量、增加電池容量等意願,並針對原廠控制器及原廠配件不足之地方,提供可行之解決方案,同時了解Switch玩家願意改善Switch Joy-Con之意願程度,提供優化Joy-Con控制器及客製控制器等多種選項,來探討副廠遊戲控制器S公司導入Switch Joy-Con客製控制器之可行性。 從研究發現,Switch玩家更傾向優化Joy-Con控制器,但也因Switch的遊戲特質,適合各年齡層的身心狀況遊戲,針對高敏感度控制器並無高度需求,因此優化Joy-Con或是客製控制器的金額相對不高,以S公司目前現有專利及自主研發IC與主機的經驗,對於導入Switch客製控制器市場有絕對優勢,但要擴大市場需求,勢必需要調整目前的售價範圍,更符合Switch玩家特質與需求。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the real demand for consumer electronics is continually increasing. Accompanied by the impact of the epidemic, most people stay home and avoided social interaction. Requirements for computer gaming, mobile gaming, and home gaming are obviously larger than expected. Due to the rapid development of E-Sports, video gaming series are important roles of E-Sports, and players will be eager for higher-grade electronics. In order to achieve an excellent gaming experience, a lot of customers bought e-sports electronics products besides accessories from the original brand. There are also many replacement gaming controllers on the market. Among the many replacement controllers, they can make up for the shortcomings of the gaming controllers of the original brand in response to players′ demands for game controllers, other needs that can be provided, or increase the player′s game experience, all the above are the core discussion topics. This study is trying to understand the needs of different levels of Switch players using Joy-con or the gaming experience, feeling, feedback, and controllability based on the questionnaire survey, as well as other functions or optimization options: such as new connection platforms (PC, mobile phone), reduce the weight of the controller, increase the battery capacity, etc., and provide feasible solutions to make up the shortage of controllers and accessories of the original brand. In the meantime, we understand the willingness of Switch players to improve the Switch Joy-Con and provide optimization of various options such as Joy-Con controllers and custom gaming controllers, etc., to explore the feasibility of importing Switch Joy-Con custom gaming controllers from the replacement brand of the gaming controller, ‘S’ Company. Based on our research, Switch players tend to the optimization option of the original Joy-con controller. However, due to the gaming properties of Switch that are suitable for a wide range of players across all generations, the demand for high-sensitivity controllers is not higher than expected, consumers are not willing to pay high prices for customized controllers. Since the ownership of off-the-shelf patents and rich RD experiences of sub-factory gaming controllers, Company ‘S’ dominates the actual advantages of customized Switch controllers. But for better market expansion, Company ‘S’ may need to adjust the current range of selling prices in order to meet the requirements of major Switch players.en_US
DC.titleFeasibility assessment of OBM to enter leading brand - A case study of S Companyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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