博碩士論文 110457021 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChia-Ling Yuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究採質性研究,使用訪談、觀察與其他資料(相關文獻、ESG報告書、企業官網、公開資訊觀測站與新聞)等蒐集資料的方法,其研究目的如下: 1.梳理與探討可持續性(Sustainability)與人力資源管理的概念、發展歷程與理論基礎,透過深入研究,以能夠了解其的演變過程與理論基礎。 2.進行探究企業在支持ESG倡議推動可持續發展時所面臨的實際情況,並提出具可行性的建議。 3.進行檢視與探究企業在支持ESG倡議,公司層級的可持續發展策略,以及人力資源部門制定的策略、目標與行動之間的關聯性,並提出具可行性的建議。 本研究透過立意取樣方法選取了來自於十二家國內上市櫃的電子公司,且有意願參與研究的人力資源專業工作者或可持續發展專業工作者,以下是本研究發現結果: 1.可持續性人力資源管理(Sustainable HRM)研究主要集中在學術領域,缺乏從業人員的參與,需要具體指導與可操作性的資源。 2.推動可持續性人力資源管理(Sustainable HRM)的發展,需要組織內的跨部門合作與將可持續性(Sustainability)納入核心價值觀與經營策略。 3.人力資源專業工作者(PSP)需要發展變革管理、資料分析、策略決策與創新等能力,以支持可持續性人力資源管理(Sustainable HRM)的發展。 4.人力資源部門需明確定位在企業可持續發展中的角色,並傳達其價值與貢獻,其包括將可持續性(Sustainability)與人力資源管理實務結合,與其他部門密切合作,以支持企業可持續發展。 5.創造支持可持續發展的文化與價值觀對企業成功至關重要。領導者在塑造角色、溝通與示範方面起關鍵作用,領導者的支持與參與有助於將可持續發展價值觀融入組織與員工的日常工作。 6.企業應提供培訓與教育機會,以提升員工對可持續性(Sustainability)的認識與理解度,透過培訓與發展,激勵員工參與企業可持續發展相關的行動與創新。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research utilized qualitative methods, including interviews, observations, and analysis of relevant literature, ESG reports, corporate websites, public information disclosure platforms, and news sources. The study aimed to achieve three main objectives: 1.Establish an understanding framework of the evolution and theoretical foundations of sustainable HRM through in-depth research, thereby facilitating the application and promotion of related practices. 2.Explore the practical challenges that companies face in implementing ESG initiatives for sustainable development. The research involved a detailed investigation of 12 selected research subjects, with practical and feasible recommendations proposed accordingly. 3.Examine the interrelationships between corporate-level sustainable development strategies and the strategies, objectives, and actions of the human resources department in supporting ESG initiatives. Practical and feasible recommendations were provided based on the findings. The research adopts a qualitative approach and interviews twelve People Strategy Professionals and Sustainability Professionals. These professionals are from publicly listed electronic companies that are actively promoting ESG practices. The study reveals the following key findings in relation to sustainability. The research literature on sustainable HRM primarily focuses on academics and lacks input from practitioners, which can result in a lack of practicality and specific guidance in implementation. Promoting sustainable HRM requires cross-departmental collaboration, integrating sustainability into core values and strategies. People Strategy Professionals need to develop new skills like change management, data analytics, and strategic decision-making to support sustainable development. HR departments face challenges in positioning themselves, communicating their value, and collaborating with other departments. Creating a culture that supports sustainability is crucial, with leaders playing a key role. Companies should provide training to enhance employees′ awareness and knowledge of sustainability.en_US
DC.subjectSustainable HRMen_US
DC.titleESG與可持續性人力資源管理的發展與實踐 -我國上市櫃電子公司個案為研究對象zh_TW
DC.titleThe Development and Practice of ESG and Sustainable Human Resource Management:Based Listed Electronic Companies in Taiwan as Research Subjectsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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