博碩士論文 110460007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-Hsuan Chuangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract企業在發展的過程中,通常可分為導入期、成長期、成熟期、衰退期,根 據美國機構研究資料顯示,申請上市之企業平均已創立八至十一年,而於成長期與成熟期需投入大量資金來擴大公司經營,其多來自於金融機構、私募股權基金及IPO 資本市場,而以IPO 資本市場為籌措資金最常見之方式;然而保守經營且穩健獲利的四十年家族企業,選擇邁向IPO 資本市場為少見之個案,因此本研究將深入探討。 在本研究個案,探討資訊服務業之家族企業-P 公司進行首次公開發行 (IPO)過程中所面臨的困境與挑戰。藉由深入分析該公司四十年來的發展歷程,揭示領導人做此決策之原因及此過程中公司的管理層和員工必須應對的各種挑戰,包括企業文化的轉變、管理階層的異動、財務報導準則的改變、公司治理法規的遵守、財務結構的調整等。 本研究聚焦於公司在IPO 轉型過程中所面臨的機會與挑戰,及管理階層如 何應對挑戰並獲取成功的經驗。藉由此研究個案,總結該公司於轉型過程程所獲得的收穫和經驗,不僅能針對家族企業在IPO 過程中的實際具體經歷,也期許能使其他企業選擇進行類似轉型的過程中,可獲取有利策略之啟示及參考價值。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThroughout the evolution of businesses, they commonly traverse phases of inception, expansion, maturation, and, potentially, decline. Research data has shown that the average age of U.S. companies applying for initial public offerings (IPOs) typically ranges from eight to eleven years. During the growth and maturation phases, substantial capital infusion is often necessary, with primary sources emanating from financial institutions, private equity firms, and the IPO capital markets, which typically entail the highest capital-raising costs. However, it′s uncommon for long-established, profit-conservative family enterprises spanning over four decades to venture into IPOs. Therefore, this study seeks to provide a comprehensive examination of this phenomenon. The study delves into the intricacies encountered by a family-owned information services enterprise, denoted as Company P, during its initial public offering (IPO) endeavor. Through a meticulous analysis spanning forty years of corporate evolution, it sheds light on the rationale behind leadership′s decision-making and the myriad challenges confronted by both management echelons and employees throughout this transition. These obstacles encompass cultural metamorphosis, managerial realignments, adaptations to evolving financial reporting standards, adherence to corporate governance mandates, and strategic recalibrations of financial frameworks. The focal point of this study is to spotlight the opportunities and hurdles entailed in Company P′s IPO metamorphosis, alongside elucidating the management′s strategies for surmounting these challenges, culminating in triumphant outcomes. By encapsulating the insights gleaned from this case study, the aim is not only to furnish a nuanced comprehension of the unique dynamics encountered by a family-centric enterprise during the IPO trajectory but also to furnish strategic paradigms and heuristic insights for other entities navigating similar transformative phases.en_US
DC.subjectInitial public offeringen_US
DC.subjectenterprise transformationen_US
DC.title家族企業在IPO過程中面臨的機會與挑戰 - 以P公司為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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