博碩士論文 110623014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChi-Yin Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract珍珠號-1H(Propagation Experiment using kurz-Above-band Radio in Low earth orbit 1H, PEARL-1H)是一枚6U通訊實驗立方衛星,目標是透過相機模組來驗證Ka波段的通訊酬載,以提供高流量的通訊。酬載次系統(Payload Subsystem)包含兩種,由鴻海科技集團(Foxconn Technology Group)提供的相機模組,以及創未來科技(TRON FUTURE TECH)提供的通訊酬載(Communication Payload, CPL)。PEARL-1H衛星本體是向保加利亞的Endurosat衛星製造公司所購買,衛星本體次系統匯流排(System Bus)的通訊由Endurosat所開發,Endurosat網路堆疊協定(Endurosat Potocol Stack, ESPS 1) 可描述地面站與衛星的通訊、以及衛星次系統之間使用RS485協議來通訊。不過酬載匯流排(Payload Bus)中,Endurosat沒有特別設計如何運作,因此需要自行開發酬載與衛星電腦(On Board Computer, OBC)之間的通訊,不過同樣規劃使用一對多的RS485通訊。本論文藉由myRIO嵌入式裝置做為次系統模擬器,LabVIEW程式做為嵌入式軟體,模擬Payload Bus上的RS485網路通訊,並且對比ESPS 1功能,最後完成Payload Bus上相機和CPL的地面電子測試設備(Electrical Ground Segment Equipment, EGSE),執行自我驗證,並且實際對接於酬載次系統做測試。此外未來的計畫包括修改和調整酬載韌體,使其與ESPS 1通訊規則保持一致,確保在與其他次系統進行交互時能夠遵循相同的通訊標準,並建立一個完全符合ESPS 1標準的通訊環境。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPEARL-1H (Propagation Experiment using kurz-Above-band Radio in Low Earth Orbit 1H) is a 6U communication experimental CubeSat. The objective of PEARL-1H is to validate the communication payload in the Ka-band for high-speed data transmission using camera modules. The Payload Subsystem consists of two camera modules provided by Foxconn Technology Group and a Communication Payload (CPL) provided by TRON FUTURE TECH. The satellite body of PEARL-1H was purchased from Endurosat, a satellite manufacturing company based in Bulgaria. The communication on the System Bus, which is the main subsystem bus, is developed by Endurosat using the Endurosat Protocol Stack (ESPS 1), which facilitates the communication between the ground station and the satellite, as well as between satellite subsystems, using the RS485 protocol. However, for the Payload Bus, Endurosat did not specifically design the communication protocol, so it requires the development of the communication between the payload and the On Board Computer (OBC), also using the RS485 protocol in a one-to-many configuration. This thesis utilizes the myRIO embedded device as a subsystem simulator and LabVIEW software as the embedded software to simulate RS485 network communication on the Payload Bus. It compares the functionality of ESPS 1 and develops the Electrical Ground Segment Equipment (EGSE) for the camera and CPL on the Payload Bus to perform self-validation and conduct actual tests with the Payload Subsystem. Furthermore, future plans include modifying and adjusting the firmware of the payload to align with the ESPS 1 communication protocol, ensuring compliance with the same communication standards when interacting with other subsystems, and establishing a fully compliant communication environment based on ESPS 1 standards.en_US
DC.titlePEARL-1H 立方衛星地面電子測試設備zh_TW
DC.titleElectrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) for PEARL-1H CubeSaten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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