博碩士論文 110724011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLi-Ying Dongen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究目的在探討育嬰留職停薪對不同性別的申請者產生的差異為何,針對國立高中職的教師男性申請者與女性申請者個三位進行訪談,了解他們為什麼會選擇申請育嬰留職停薪,主要的因素以及在申請後對於他們的職場以及家庭生活所產生的影響有何差異,再加上近年我國在勞動政策上的的重點「友善家庭政策」的檢視,來分析我國育嬰留職停薪制度對於申請者產生的影響。依照研究分析,獲得以下結果: ㄧ、當女性的所得低於男性時,職場上申請育嬰留職停薪的女性可能會產生對其職涯影響不利的結果。 二、雖然男女都能夠申請育嬰留職停薪,但是制度實施的結果是社會上主要是由女性申請育嬰留職停薪且申請時間較長,很容易使得女性接受並承擔家庭中主要照顧者的角色。 三、我國男性因為性別意識上較過往高,會認同照顧嬰幼兒與家事是必須共同承擔的責任,而當男性申請育嬰假則更可以體認家事的繁瑣以及照顧幼兒的辛勞,對於性別平等的提升有幫助。 最後,本研究進一步提供「友善家庭政策」在制度的設計應該如何執行之相關建議,希望讓有志於改善當前勞動者之困境之政策制定者有參考之依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to explore the differences in applying for unpaid parental leave between different genders. Interviews were conducted with three male applicants and three female applicants for unpaid parental leave from national high schools to understand why they chose to apply for unpaid parental leave, the main factors, and the differences in the impact on their careers and family life after application. In addition, this study analyzes the impact of Taiwan′s unpaid parental leave system on applicants, in light of the recent focus on "family-friendly policy" in labor policy. According to the research analysis, the following results were obtained: When women′s income is lower than men′s, women who apply for unpaid parental leave in the workplace may have unfavorable career effects. Although both men and women can apply for unpaid parental leave, the result of the implementation of the system is that mainly women apply for unpaid parental leave and the application time is longer, which easily leads to women accepting and assuming the role of the primary caregiver in the family. Taiwanese men, due to higher gender awareness, recognize that caring for infants and young children and housework are responsibilities that must be shared. When men apply for unpaid parental leave, they can further understand the complexity of housework and the hardship of caring for young children, which helps to promote gender equality. Finally, this study further provides relevant suggestions on how to implement "family-friendly policy" in the design of the system, hoping to provide policy makers who are interested in improving the current plight of workers with reference.en_US
DC.subjectunpaid parental leaveen_US
DC.subjectgender roleen_US
DC.subjecthousehold laboren_US
DC.title我國育嬰留職停薪制度之性別差異 影響因素研究-以公立高中職教師 為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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