博碩士論文 110724015 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorCheng-Lin Wuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract我國整體社會即將在2025年將進入超高齡化社會,我國政府於民國106年推動「長照政策2.0」,預算大幅增加,照顧社會需要長照服務需求的民眾。 在此情況下,我國2020年1月28日確診了第一例本土個案。為了符合政府政策和防疫需求,我國衛生福利部疾病管制署於2020年1月20日宣布台灣成立了「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎中央流行疫情指揮中心」,而非營利住宿型長照機構為老年人和殘障人士等住民提供長期護理和居住的場所,其運營和發展也受到了COVID-19疫情的影響。 本研究選擇四個非營利住宿型長照機構作為訪談對象,以文獻分析法、次級資料分析法、深度訪談法為研究方法,本研究者希望評估非營利住宿型長照機構面對COVID-19的影響,包括採取的應對措施、對人員和設施的改進,如人員調度、設備更新、資源分配狀況等,並探討非營利住宿型長照機構之創新應變措施,以提高非營利住宿型長照機構面對疫情的抗疫能力。 本文研究發現呈現三大部分,分別為:第一,疫情下政府監管措施嚴謹,導致非營利住宿型長照機構增加培訓時間和工作負擔;第二,非營利住宿型長照機構疫情下人力資源更是有限,也因疫情關係缺少志工外部支援;第三,疫情下政府提供充足的資訊透明度,建立了非營利住宿型長照機構、社會大眾對政府的信任,但防疫政策應考慮機構實際執行情況,政策需要更加明確清晰。另外面對政府評鑑,非營利住宿型長照機構也會尊重第一線人員的意見並改善管理方式,維持服務品質並保持創新態度去面對外部競爭。 最後綜合上述本文的研究發現,本研究分別針對政府和非營利住宿型長照機構提出建議,藉以提供未來政府和非營利住宿型長照機構防疫政策之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOur country is about to enter a super-aged society in 2025, and the government has promoted "Long-term Care Policy 2.0" in 2017, significantly increasing the budget to meet the needs of long-term care services for the elderly. In this situation, our country confirmed the first local case on January 28, 2020. In order to comply with government policies and epidemic prevention requirements, the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced the establishment of the "Cen-tral Epidemic Command Center for Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia" on January 20, 2020. Non-profit residential long-term care facilities, which provide long-term care and accommodation for elderly and disabled residents, have also been affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. This study selected four non-profit residential long-term care facilities as inter-view subjects and used literature analysis, secondary data analysis, and in-depth inter-views as research methods. The researchers hoped to assess the impact of COVID-19 on non-profit residential long-term care facilities, including the measures taken, im-provements in personnel and facilities, such as personnel scheduling, equipment up-dates, and resource allocation, and explore innovative adaptation measures to enhance the epidemic prevention capabilities of non-profit residential long-term care facilities. The study found three main parts: First, strict government regulatory measures during the pandemic have led to increased training time and workload for non-profit residential long-term care facilities. Second, the manpower resources of non-profit residential long-term care facilities are even more limited during the pandemic, and they lack external support from volunteers. Third, the government has provided suffi-cient information transparency during the epidemic, establishing trust between non-profit residential long-term care facilities and the public, but epidemic prevention policies should consider the actual implementation of the institutions, and the policies need to be clearer. In addition, when facing government evaluations, non-profit resi-dential long-term care facilities will also respect the opinions of front-line staff, im-prove management methods, maintain service quality, and maintain an innovative at-titude to face external competition. Finally, based on the above research findings, this study provides suggestions for both the government and non-profit residential long-term care facilities to serve as a reference for future epidemic prevention policies. Keywords: COVID-19, non-profit residential long-term care facilities, elderly welfare institutions, long-term care services.en_US
DC.titleCOVID-19疫情影響非營利住宿型長照機構 之研究:以新北市護理之家與老人福利機構為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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