博碩士論文 110757002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-Wen Huen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 本文以新屋區望間里胡姓永定客家話研究為主軸,源自於偶然和教授的一番對話, 赫然發現原來研究者本身的母語是極少數的「永定」客家話,而非自認為的四海腔, 引發研究者想一探究竟並傳承永定客家話的念想。往回追溯來臺祖從福建省永定縣下 洋鎮到臺灣落腳已兩百餘年,在強勢語言的衝擊下,當初口耳相傳的鄉音在語言接觸 頻繁下有了明顯變化,不過仍有部分保留福建永定話的特色。 本研究將田野調查取得的第一手資料整理分類後,以音韻為主,詞彙為輔,逐步 進行探討,共分為六章。 第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與目的、研究方法與步驟,再輔以福建永定與新屋 永定的概況,並對相關文獻進行回顧與探討。 第二章為新屋區胡姓永定話的平面語音系統,分別介紹其聲韻調及文白異讀。 第三章將新屋永定話的聲韻調與中古音做比較,整理後試著推論古今的變化。 第四章在統整前一章的內容後條列出胡姓永定話的語音特點,並於此章末尾探討 較特殊的詞彙用法。新屋胡姓永定客家話自身的特色有:1.泥母字「你」,聲母讀h-。 2.部分船書禪母合口三等字的聲母讀f-。3.在蟹攝開口二四等、蟹攝合口一三等、止 攝合口三等、山攝開合口三等有大量讀-e 元音的字。4.效攝開口三四等有許多字讀-io 韻。5.在詞彙使用上,通常沒有小稱詞仔尾。 第五章再以第四章的特點為根據,做臺灣永定客家話與福建永定客家話共時的比 較並佐以詞彙的探究,發現臺灣永定話受四縣、海陸客家話語言接觸的影響,與福建 永定話存在幾個明顯差異:1.臺灣永定話多歸併為兩套滋絲音(ts-、ts-、s-和t-、 t-、-),而福建永定話只有一套滋絲音(ts-、ts-、s-)。2.福建永定話在泥、日、 疑母有許多字讀h-聲母,臺灣永定話卻很少,例如:「女、耳、語」。3.福建永定話在 溪母有部分讀k-聲母的字,臺灣永定話卻多讀h-或f-聲母,例如:「客、溪」(k-: h-);「褲、窟」(k-:f-)。4.福建永定話在匣、日、云母有一些讀v-聲母的字,臺灣 永定話卻多讀-聲母,例如:「縣、閏、雲」(v-:-)。5.福建永定話在曉、匣母讀s- 聲母的字,臺灣永定話卻多讀h-聲母,例如:「兄、嫌」(s-:h-)。6.福建永定話在日、 ii 影、云、以母中有許多讀零聲母的字,臺灣客家話卻多讀-聲母,例如:「然、印、 雨、夜」(:-)。7.臺灣永定話的輔音韻尾大多俱全,而福建永定話則是弱化或消失。 8.臺灣永定話的詞彙使用習慣大多和四縣、海陸相同,僅保留少數福建永定話的特色。 第六章為結論,總結研究成果並檢討不足之處,再提供未來有志研究永定客家話 者更進一步的方向與建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract This thesis focuses on the Hu family Yongding Hakka dialect spoken in Wangjian Village, Xinwu District, Taiwan. The study came about through a casual conversation with a professor, and it was unexpectedly discovered that the researcher’s native language was, in fact, the rarely spoken Yongding dialect of Hakka, not the Sihai dialect. This sparked the researcher’s desire to investigate the dialect and ensure its continuation. More than two hundred years have passed since the researcher’s ancestors crossed from Xiayang Town, Yongding County, Fujian Province, to settle in Taiwan. Over the years, they faced intensive attacks against speaking this native language. The original accent spoken and passed on by those settlers has changed significantly, resulting from frequent contact with other languages. Despite this, some of the characteristics of the Yongding dialect from Fujian Province remain. This study collates and classifies data obtained first -hand through fieldwork, then conducts a progressive investigation with phonology as the primary focus and vocabulary used as a supplement. There are six chapters in total. Chapter 1 is the introduction to the research. This chapter describes the study′s motivations, goals, methodology, and process, supplemented by a summary of Yongding in Fujian and Yongding in Xinwu, along with a review and investigation of the relevant literature. Chapter 2 is about the flat pronunciation system of the Hu family Yongding dialect spoken in Xinwu District, introducing its initials, finals, tones, literary and colloquial readings. Chapter 3 compares the initial consonants and vowels of the Xinwu Yongding dialect with ancient Chinese phonology a, attempting to infer how the dialect has changed over time. Chapter 4 summarizes the previous chapter and details the phonetic features of the Hu family Yongding dialect. At the end of the chapter, the dialect′s unique vocabulary usages are discussed. Such features of the Hu family Xinwu Yongding Hakka dialect incl ude:(1) iv “你” , the word from Ni pronounced with an initial sound as “h-”.(2)Part of consonants Chuan, Shu, and Chan in front of closed grade Ⅲ rhymes are pronounced as “f-”. (3) There are a lot of words pronounced as “-e” rhyme from the grade Ⅱ and Ⅳ of Xie-classifier opening mouth,the grade Ⅰ and Ⅲ of Xie-classifier closing mouth,the grade Ⅲ of Zhiclassifier closing mouth,and the grade Ⅲ of Shan-classifier both opening and closing mouth. (4)There are many words pronounced as “-io” rhyme in the grade Ⅲ and Ⅳ of Xiao-classifier opening mouth. (5)In terms of vocabulary usage, the diminutive suffix “仔” is not typically used. Chapter 5 is based on the characteristics identified in Chapter 4, a concurrent comparison of Taiwan Yongding Hakka dialect and Fujian Yongding Hakka dialect is conducted with an investigation into vocabulary. It is found that Taiwan Yongding dialect is influenced by the language contact with Sixian and Hailu Hakka dialects, and there are several obvious differences compared to the Fujian Yongding dialect: (1)In Taiwan Yongding dialect, “Jing Zhuang Zhi Zhang” is generally combined into two sets of sibilant sounds (ts-, tsʰ-, s- and t-, tʰ-, ʃ-), while the Fujian Yongding dialect has only one set of sibilant sounds (ts-, tsʰ-, s-). (2)There are many words with h- initial consonant in Ni, Ri, and Yi in Fujian Yongding dialect , such as “女、耳、語” ,while there are very few in Taiwan Yongding dialect. (3) There are part of words with k- initial consonant in Xi in Fujian Yongding dialect ,while with h- or f- initial consonant in Taiwan Yongding dialect , such as “客、溪”(k-:h-),“褲、 窟、”(k-:f-).(4)There are some words with v- initial consonant in Xia, Ri, Yun in Fujian Yongding dialect ,while with - initial consonant in Taiwan Yongding dialect, such as “縣、閏、雲”(v-: -).(5)The words with s- initial consonant in Xiao, Xia in Fujian Yongding dialect are pronounced as h- initial consonant in Taiwan Yongding dialect, such as “兄、嫌”(s-:h -). (6)There are a lot of words with  initial consonant in Ri, Ying, Yun, Yi in Fujian Yongding dialect,while with - initial consonant in Taiwan Yongding dialect, such as “然、印、雨、夜”(: -).(7)The final consonants in Taiwan Yongding dialect v are mostly complete, while those in Fujian Yongding dialect are weakened or disappeared. (8) Vocabulary usage habits of Taiwan Yongding dialect are mostly the same as that of Sixian and Hailu, and only a few features of Fujian Yongding dialect are preserved. Chapter 6 is the conclusion, which summarizes the research results and discusses the study′s shortcomings, providing further directions and recommendations for the research of those who are interested in studying the Yongding Hakka dialect in the future.en_US
DC.subjectYongding Hakka dialecten_US
DC.subjectdialect comparisonen_US
DC.subjectlanguage contacten_US
DC.subjectevolution of phonicsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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